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  For the first time since Johnny and Dally had died, Ponyboy realized that he was happy. He really hadn't even known that he was wasn't happy before.

  His days are spent more or less the same as before, except now he does things with Steve. Breakfast now includes Steve helping him cook for him and their brothers. Lunch at school now means that the two talk the entire time and sneak off campus to visit soda or get some food. Now that they're together, Steve decided that he actually wanted to get good grades, not just passing grades.

  Pony knows this is so they can study together and do homework.

  They usually spend at least one day each weekend out on an inconspicuous date.

Things are good. They're better than that, really.

They're obviously not perfect. There are still days that Ponyboy wakes up having dreamt of Johnny. He's not going to pretend that he handles it well. He still acts standoff-ish, and questions Steve's motives, but Steve is more patient than he originally gave him credit for.

While he isn't ever happy that Pony has those days, he understands. And that's all Ponyboy could want.

Things are fun. He feels like he belongs. He feels loved, though neither of them have had the courage to say it just yet, but he's working on it. He knows that given everything that he has put Steve through, the ball is in his court when it comes to the L word.

  He's still scared, though, and he feels bad. One day he knows he will be able to recognize that sometimes you have to take chances to be happy, just like Steve said.

  He's getting better.

  He's happy. Steve is happy.

  Pony likes to imagine what his one year ago self would think if he saw him now. Or even what his six month ago self would think. From enemies to being in love.

  Love. He catches himself thinking it a lot.

  Steve walks into his house, and suddenly Ponyboy feels more ready than ever.

  "Hey Steve." He stands and smiles. "I gotta tell you something."


Wow everyone thanks for sticking through this four year long story lol. I don't know why I decided that it deserved some closure, but here it is! Please comment I thrive off validation from strangers lol.

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