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Steve parked a little further down the road again, so the head lights wouldn't wake anyone up. The two boys got out of the car and began the short walk home. "You staying on the couch tonight?"

"Maybe." Steve shrugged and kicked a rock. "I was thinking about camping out in my car, just so no one gets suspicious."

  "That's stupid." Pony bumped him with his shoulder. "You've slept on the couch plenty of times."

"I feel like Sodapop is getting a bit suspicious, don't you?"

"Nah, I doubt he'd suspect we've been kissing or anything."

Steve chuckled. "Guess you're right."


"I know you've been kissing Steve."

Ponyboy nearly choked on air. "What?"

"I know you have." Soda was acting nonchalant about it, as he restocked the candy bar shelves at the DX. Steve was in the garage. "I saw y'all kissing a while back. And I know you snuck out yesterday to see him; Figured it's time I let you know that I knew."

" saw us?"

"It sort of annoys me. I'm not gonna lie. I guess that's why I've been acting weird lately." He picked up the candy box and moved to the next shelf. "I mean, I've got no problem with you dating boys, it's just that it's Steve."

"You saw us kissing..." pony felt as if he were going to be sick.

Soda continued to ignore him. "He's been my best friend since grade school, and you're my little brother. I really just don't know how to feel about y'all being together."

"I..we...we're not that—together, I mean. We're not together."

That seemed to catch Soda's attention. "Huh..?"

"We only kissed, er, we aren't dating or anything."

Anger flashed across Soda's face. "So he's playing you?"

"No!" Pony said quickly. "It's me. I don't know how to feel about him completely yet. He wants to date me I'm sure."

"'re playing him?"

"No, I just—" pony sighed, not knowing at all how to explain their situation. "We're trying to see if we'd enjoy dating each other, okay?"

"Oh." Soda considered it. "I don't want you to date him." He admitted after a couple seconds.

"Why not? You just said you were fine with me dating boys."

"Yeah, but not Steve."

"You don't trust him or something?"

"I do, I love Steve. He's a great guy, and sweet, and charming, and—"

"Oh my God." Jealousy bubbles up inside Ponyboy. "You like him, don't you?" He should have known. The two had been friends for far longer, and were much close than Steve and Pony were. Obviously, he would never intentionally get in the way of his brother. He'd have to give up Steve, which was weird, because it wasn't like they were a couple. There really wasn't anything to give up. "You like Steve."

"What?" Soda looked amused. "No I don't."

The relief Pony felt was unimaginable, and he felt stupid for being relieved. Pony wasn't even sure if he truly liked Steve, yet here he was getting all worked up over the thought of his brother being with him. "Oh."

"I don't swing that way." Soda rubbed the back of his neck.

"So if you aren't homophobic, and you think Steve is a good guy, and you don't want to date him, why don't you want me to be with him?"

Soda groaned. "Because! If you two date then where will that leave me?"


He sat down on the floor and sighed. "You know, I used to hate it when you guys fought all the time. It was so obvious you were only pretending to like each other in front of me. I always thought that things would be just perfect if my best friend and little brother got along. But then you guys started getting along, and are all romantic, and now there's no room for me for both of you. You'd rather be with each other, and it feels like I've lost both of you."


"Don't try to tell me that you both still love me, because it's different and you know it. I know you both love me, I do. But I've still lost you."

"Sodapop we're not even dating."

"It doesn't matter. If anything, that makes it worse. I've already had to adjust to spending less time with both of you, and you're not even dating yet. When y'all do date, I'll never get to see you."

"That's not true, don't talk like that."

"But it is true."

"It's not." Both Pony and Soda snapped their head up. Steve was standing at the end of the aisle, wiping his hands on a grease rag. "How could you think that?"

"How long have you been standing there?"

"Long enough, I suppose." Steve sighed. "We love you, Soda. Neither of us would just abandon you."

"It would be unintentional."

"It would be nonexistent." Pony cut in. "I promise."

Soda looked between them for a few seconds, before shaking his head. "Even still, you two would be dating. I'd be the third wheel."

"We could pretend to hate each other around you." Steve joked.

"Soda, not everyone is okay with queers. We'd probably act like we hated each other anyway. And again, we're not even dating, and who's to say we will?"

Steve stiffened at that comment.

"We're still gonna be here for you. And with you. No matter what."

Soda but his lip and nodded. "Okay...But I swear you guys better not blow me off every time I wanna hang out."

Pony smiled. "We wouldn't dream of it. Right Steve?"

Steve had a hard look on his face. "Right."

BACK AND FORTH (𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘣𝘰𝘺)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz