Chapter 19Allen Returns

Start from the beginning

" Where is my daughter?" She then asked her Mom looking around for her.

" Asleep in her crib, she was getting fussy so I put her down for a nap." her Mom replied.

" Gives me time to go get a shower then," Angel said heading to the bathroom.

" Alright but dinner is almost done so when you get an outcome on out to eat, your Father will be home soon too I'm sure he will want to hear all about your day at the center." She said to her.

Dad that's right, he will want to know, she thought, alright well I'll tell him what I did, and what I learned and just leave Allen out of it, I don't need him knowing I have access to talking to him, she finished thinking to herself and got a hot shower.

She finished up and headed in to check her daughter who was still sound asleep and made her way into the kitchen where her Dad now joined her Mom.

" Hello there." He said to Angel as she walked in.

" Hello Dad," Angel replied.

" How was the first day at the center?" Her Dad then asked her.

" It was great, I learned not everyone is there for the same reasons and we have to treat everyone with the same respect, and if they get nasty with us we kinda have to ignore it, some are there by court order some because they want the help." She said to her Dad.

" Please tell me the court-ordered ones aren't anyone who got out of jail." Her Dad then asked her.

" Nope." She lied. " I don't know anyone in there except the counselor, and the student who is with me."

" Good the less rif raf you need to deal with the better, I know you want this job once your schooling is done, and I know you want to work at the center, just keep you head up and think straight and you'll do just fine." He said as his wife placed a plate of chicken and mac and cheese in front of him and Angel.

" Look's good Mom," Angel said taking her fork ready to dig in.

She was busy all day and kept thinking about Allen, food was the last thing on her mind until now. As she started eating she heard her daughter waking up in the nursery and took another bite of food and walked in to see her.

" Hello there big girl, hungry?" She asked as she lifted her from the crib.

She carried her out to the kitchen with the rest of the family and put her in the high chair to make her something to eat as well. She enjoyed times like this with her family but she started to think of Allen the moment her daughter looked over at her and smiled, she looked so much like him the older she got.

They finished eating and she took her daughter back to the nursery to spend time with her before it was her bedtime. She laid on the floor with her and played and wished Allen was here as well and hoped soon it could happen knowing it was out of jail.

" Hey baby girl guess what." She whispered to her daughter.

" Daddy is in my class and if all goes well he may be able to see you." She said with a smile as her daughter smiled back almost understanding what she said.

She played with her daughter until it got late and seen her daughter yawning and placed her in the crib and went out to make her night bottle and put her to sleep and went in to lay down in her room herself.

She laid there and thoughts of Allen and how a future with him would be, and how her parents especially her Dad would feel if he was back in the picture, but none of that mattered if and when the time came she would handle it, for now, she needed sleep, she had work in the morning and then had to come home and work on her online classes.

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