Chapter 19Allen Returns

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Allen, she thought he was one of the ones who got out, and now here he is, sitting in the room I'm going to be helping out in.

Allen looked as shocked as she was it was over a year and a half since he seen her and he was pleased she was here. He wanted so badly to run up and hug her but stayed in his seat as he just stared at her.

Damn she looks so good, she more beautiful then ever he thought to himself and smiled in her direction. He never stopped thinking about her and wanted to contact her many times

Angel almost forgetting she was in his group and was there on school assignment gazed at him and smiled back. She then realized as Ms. Emerson started talking she was there for school and there to learn and help others, she wanted to help others more than anything in the world but she wanted to focus on Allen more than anything.

Angel had to snap back to reality and focus on her work here rather than Allen but it was so hard to do. Angel just shadowed the caseworker like she was told to do, and kept taking notes in her notebook as she talked, but couldn't keep her mind or eyes off of Allen, every chance she got she would look in his direction and notice he was looking right back at her.

She loved he was there, and now almost daily she could see him but she knew if her Dad knew he was in her class and he was one of the people that got out he would do everything he could to put an end to it and Angel didn't want to lose a job before it even started or lose her chance to see Allen so she thought it would be best just to keep her mouth shut, she thought what he didn't know wouldn't hurt Allen or herself.

The day finished and the people in the group were lead out before Angel, the other student, and Ms. Emerson.

" Today was a great learning day for the two of you, I hope you learned a lot about why these people are here, and the help they need. Some days there are more than others in the room with us but each of them has their reasons we need to figure out and try and work with them." Ms. Emerson said to them.

" How often do we get to come here?" Angel asked wondering how much she would get to see Allen rather than learning at this point.

" We will come two to three times a week depending on when you have class and each time we will learn more about them and ways to work with them." She replied. " Also within a month of shadowing me once I feel you are ready we will have you be working one on one with someone in here to see how well you do with helping them, don't forget you are getting graded here as well as getting graded in-class and online so treat this as a learning experience as well as keeping your grades up as well."

Angel heard the words two or three times a week and that once she was ready and the counselor thought she was ready she would work with a student and so hoped it would be Allen.

She gathered her things and followed both the other student and counselor back out to her car to head back to the college so they could finish up what they had to for the day and head home.

At home Angel walked in with stars in her eyes and a big smile on her face and her Mom was quick to notice.

" So you had a good first day at the center I see." Her Mom said.

" Very much so, I learned so much and want to get a job being a drug and alcohol counselor, these people do need the help and if I can help one person, " She said thinking of Allen " It will be worth it, I don't want to see anyone make bad choices or go down paths they may regret," Angel said to her Mom.

" I'm very happy about that, you came a long way yourself and if you can help someone the way you helped yourself I know you'll be doing just what you are meant to do." Her Mom said.

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