Chapter Eight

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Years Later:

Nienna sits in her and Neremy's chambers on Alfheim, they are as to be expected for a prince and the heir to the throne. It has become a shared space since her move to Alfeim, in the years since, it has taken on a more feminine, more blue style to match her as well as retaining the greens and browns that Neremy envelopes. She opens her Alethiometer and stares down at it as her fingers move the dials around. She doesn't know what answer she is looking for, but she is hoping that it will come from the device. She will admit that it usually collects dust, it is just a reminder that her parents are gone, that her father abandoned her. She's never met the man, she doesn't like talking about him. Everyone knows this, after Loki pranked a few people that dared to ask her. He knew how much the subject upset her. He was always doing little things like that to protect her. She takes a deep breath as she feels Neremy move behind her as he wakes in their bed. His hand reaches out and touches the small of her back before he sits up. Neremy kisses her shoulder and looks down at the device. Even he knows not to ask about her family. So he doesn't ask what she is looking for, he knows though.

"Do you wish to ride out to the falls today?" he asks her softly.

"I fear I would not be the best company" she whispers, he knows this, he knows that some days she just has no energy or drive to do anything but sleep, he knows it is down to the absence of Loki in her life, and he knows it is not personal. There is a hole in her heart that he can not fill, though he tried to fix their relationship before they left Asgard it has not healed in the years she has been with him. It's just festering in her soul. Neremy strokes her arm and then climbs out of bed. Nienna closes the Alethiometer and turns to watch him as he dresses for the day. He lets out a breath when he is finished before he turns to face her.

"Do you regret it?" he asks her, she shakes her head.

"No" she answers. "You know I don't, I love you..."

"I know that" he assures her. "I just wish things had been better when we left, that...I could fix what happened" she sets the Alethiometer down and stands to move to him.

"It couldn't be fixed" she offers. "It reached a point where it was broken beyond repair. I outgrew that life, and him...." he reaches up and brushes her hair behind her ear. "I am happy here" she assures him firmly. "I just have days..."

"And that is understandable" he stops her as he cups her cheek. "Not one soul blames you for what happened between the two of you" he nudges her nose with his own. "Will I see you for lunch?" he asks her softly, she nods.

"I wouldn't miss it" she answers straightening his buttons on his jacket.

"Would you like for me to send for Iorek?" he counters. "He always seems to know how to make you feel better"

"Yes," she nods. "I would like to see him" he nods and leans closer to kiss her softly. She clutches to his jacket and then pulls back so she can watch him leave, the door closing behind her, her smile falling. She hates to put this mood on him. He doesn't deserve it from her. She doesn't deserve him at all.


Every day that passes without Nienna, Loki tries. He sits in the library and he stares at whatever book he pulls from the shelves but he can never bring himself to take in the words on the pages. It's an empty gesture now. The time he used to spend with Nienna in the library. The hours hold up in their corner. He can't even bring himself to sit up there alone. He sits by himself at dinner to avoid any and all conversations. He hates his chambers because every little thing reminds him of her, yet he cannot bring himself to remove those items from the room. He wants them close and far away from him. He wants to burn them and cherish them at the same time. Something inside of him has darkened too. Hardened into hatred instead. Not at Nienna, never at her. But at those that he feels had a hand in this. Thor. Odin. His hatred is angled towards them. Loki glances up hearing rushed voices, his eyes following a messenger that hurries to keep up with Odin's strides. Loki lowers his book to pay attention to whatever is going on. There is a feeling in his chest that alerts him first, that something is wrong, that it is to do with Nienna.

"Alfheim is under attack," The messenger tells Odin "Jotun have been spotted infiltrating the palace"

"Any word on the royal family?" Odin asks, and they all know he's asking about Nienna and Iorek, they all know how much she meant to Odin and Frigga, how much she meant to them.

"None" The messenger admits reluctantly. Loki hurries from his seat and towards his father, Odin turning to a nearby soldier.

"Gather a small force" Odin orders. "Alfheim are our allies and we must investigate"

"I am going with you" Loki states, Odin turns and looks at him, sees the look in his son's eyes, the determination, the fear. If Odin says no...Loki will go by himself anyway.

"Loki, are you sure? We have no idea what we will find there" Odin tells him, and he is right, there is nothing to say that they will find Nienna alive, or dead, or hurt, he knows that if she is hurt then Loki will simply blame himself for this.

"I am going" Loki repeats. "I have to go" Loki and Odin stare at one another, Odin then nods.

"Very well" He agrees, reluctantly. Loki nods before hurrying away to change into his armor. He's already lost her once, he will not lose her permanently. 

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