Pre-Story- Zeb

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Each beat of her wings only took more and more of her strength, and she knew she would need to land. She'd end up crashing otherwise. The dragoness didn't even know where she was anymore, nor how far she'd flown. However, she did spot water near a mountain below and dove down, landing roughly out of exhaustion. After a quick check that she was alone, she lowered her head for a drink, gulping down mouthfuls of water at a time.

Once her thirst was quenched, she leant back, sighing as she looked at the stars above. Judging by their positions, she'd flown further than ever before. So far in fact, she was probably out of Xadia, in a completely different land.

At least here, she was free of her responsibilities. Here, she couldn't see her mate's body every time she looked out the window. Here, she didn't think she'd see her son running around a corner to greet her. Here, everything was new and no one expected anything of her.

"Umm, hello?"

Growling, she turned to the voice, seeing a male moon dragon poking his head out of a cave in the mountain.

Quickly, he lowered his head, showing he meant no harm. He waited until she'd stopped growling before stepping out fully. "Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you. I heard you land and was wondering if you'd like to join me inside? It gets very cold out here at night. Too cold, even for dragons."

As if summoned by his words, a chilly wind blew over them. Shivering, the dragoness nodded and walked into the cave, following the male. After a short entryway, the cave turned sharply to the left and revealed a much larger, widened cavern, suitable for at least two, if not more, fully grown dragons.

The moon dragon walked over to a pit in the center and blew more flames on the fire that was burning there. The cold air quickly vanished with the heat. "Sorry about the mess," he said as he pushed some animal bones into a corner. "I don't get many guests."

Away from the wind, the cave was perfectly warm, and the dragoness laid down near the fire. "It's a lovely cave," she said politely, admiring it. "Did you make it yourself?"

"Me and my mate," he replied, but then shook his head when she started to rise. "Don't worry...she...she died a few winters ago." Knowing the pain of a lost mate, the dragoness gave a soft purr of condolence. He nodded in thanks, lying down on the other side of her. "I'm Transeant by the way."

"Zeb," she replied in exchange.

"What brings you this far out, Zeb? Don't tend to see many sky dragons this way? Would've thought it was too cold for you."

Lowering her head, Zeb stared at the fire. "Running away."


"Well, I keep telling myself that I'm just clearing my head truth, I'm running away."

Transeant tilted his head slightly. "You don't have to tell me but, what are you running away from?"

"Memories, pain, and...all those idiots who think I can just...get up and carry on like the way things were." Seeing his confusion, Zeb nodded. "I lost my mate and child a few years ago."

"Oh Zeb...I'm so sorry," he whimpered. "To lose a mate is hard enough but...a child too."

"Did you and your mate have an egg?"

"Sadly, no. Luneena and I both wished for one, but Archdragons like us can struggle to pass on our knowledge." He sighed before chuckling dryly. "Well, not that I would have much to pass on. My clan always said I was dumber than a glow toad."

She tilted her head. "How so?"

Shaking his head, Transeant sighed dramatically. "You get your head stuck in a waspion nest once, and everyone calls you an idiot."

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