The Town That Dreaded Sundown

Start from the beginning

"He's a hero." Sweet Pea nodded. Jughead sent a glare to his sister for not standing up for Archie and for agreeing with Sweet Pea, "Need I remind you, he shot my best friend's dad. Someone who's a second dad to the both of us. And you wanna say he's a hero?" He scoffed

"You don't get it, Jug. You're practically a Northsider. I've lived here my entire life. Been a Southsider my entire life, while you were off living in fairytale land. The Northside, mainly your girlfriend's mother, constantly takes shots at us. The Serpents. My family, for everything wrong with the Northside. Hop off your high horse for once and realize we're not to blame."

Stevie stood up, grabbing her bag and walked away from the table, Toni in tow.

"Easy there tiger. What was that?" She asked, grabbing Stevie's arm causing her to stop.

"Jug doesn't get it. He practically lived on the Northside. Even when mom was here, he always spent his entire time with Andrews. He doesn't get what it's like to be constantly ridiculed by his so-called friends. To always be branded as a social outcast or a thug." Stevie huffed, blowing her hair out of her face.

Toni grabbed the girls hand, giving it a squeeze as she gave the girl a sympathetic smile. Everyone on the Southside knew how hard the Jones' had it growing up. With Fp getting laid off by Fred and his drinking problem getting worse after that. Then with Gladys leaving, taking Jellybean with her, and then Jughead leaving as soon as it got bad. Leaving Stevie to make sure her father didn't drink himself to death and helping Tall Boy take care of the Serpents. And she was only 17.


Stevie was hanging upside down on Fangs' couch, a smile on her face, as she watched her two best friends argue over the Wizard of Oz.

"Hold on! Hold on! Hold on!" Fangs exclaimed, cutting Sweet Pea off, "Her sister was a witch, right?! And what was her sister?! A princess!"

"A princess! The wicked witch of the east!" Fangs argued

"I'm gonna stab him." Sweet Pea laughed, looking over at the brunette, who was now cackling.

"You're gonna look at me and tell me that I'm wrong? Am I wrong?" Fangs asked, running his hands through his hair, turning to face his best friend

"She wore a crown and came down in a bubble, Pea!" Fangs exclaimed, making a circle around himself with his hands. Sweet Pea stood up, making his way towards Stevie, "I'm not gonna argue with you."

"Grow up, bro!" Fangs exclaimed, walking into the kitchen

"I'm not fighting with you!"

"Grow up, dude!" Fangs exclaimed.

Sweet Pea sat next to Stevie on the couch, who had sat up, clutching her stomach with one hand, wiping her tears with the other. "Oh my god. What is wrong with you two?"

"I have zero food. Run with me down to the Guzman's store?" Fangs called from the kitchen

Stevie and Sweet Pea both agreed, shrugging on their jackets. They opted out on taking their bikes, due to the fact that the convenience store was only a 10 minute walk from Sunnyside.

Fangs and Sweet Pea made a beeline for the snacks as Stevie made her way over to the registers, looking at the lighters. She made a mental note to come back and buy a new one as her two friends made their way back up to the front.

Sweet Pea, after placing his snacks on the counter, wrapped both of his arms around her face, "Evening Darla." Sweet Pea grinned at the lady behind the counter. Darla Guzman was a retired serpent, who was an absolute badass. She use to watch Jughead and Stevie whenever something went wrong with the Serpents and Fp needed to step away with Gladys.

"Evening, Noah." She bit back, causing Fangs to laugh and Sweet Pea threw his head back with a groan, dropping his arms down to his side. Sweet Pea grabbed the bag with a mumble, turning to walk out the door, Fangs in pursuit. Stevie threw a few bills on the counter, smiling at Darla before jogging to catch up with her friends.

Stevie let out a giggle as Fangs continued to tease Sweet Pea about his name.

Turning around the corner, Sweet Pea held his arm out in front of the two, turning his attention towards the figure at the end of the block.

"Hey! What the hell do you think you're doing?" Sweet Pea asked, taking off down the sidewalk. Stevie and Fangs shared a look, before taking off after their temperamental friend.

Stevie quickly recognized the boy as Archie Andrews, causing her to sigh and cross her arms over her chest.

"Back off. I'm not here for you." Archie spoke, turning back to face the wall. Stevie quickly noticed the can of spray paint in his hand and looked up at the wall.

'You've got to be fucking kidding me.' she thought

"Oh yeah... then who's it for, huh?" Sweet Pea asked, reaching for the spray paint. Archie turned his attention to face them, eyes quickly landing on Stevie, "Aw, hell. Don't tell me it's for the black hood? You believe this guy? And people say we're the trouble makers."

Archie put the spray paint back in his backpack and made a move to step through the three serpents but Stevie and Fangs placed their hand on his chest, preventing him from going any further, "Woah."

"Southside Serpent Country. You can't come here and tag our turf. So why don't you get your ass back to the Northside before someone gets hurt."

"Get out of my way or someone will get hurt." Archie threatened, causing Stevie to chuckle, "You seriously think you can take on three serpents by yourself?"

"You just made a big mistake." Sweet Pea said, pulling out his switchblade, sending a sinister smile to the red head.

Stevie felt her breath hitch in her throat at the sight, quickly shaking her head at the thoughts that made its way in there

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Stevie felt her breath hitch in her throat at the sight, quickly shaking her head at the thoughts that made its way in there.

Archie quickly pulled out a gun, pointing it at Sweet Pea. Stevie quickly took a step back, reaching for both Sweet Pea and Fangs.

"Who made a mistake?" Archie snapped, pointing it in Sweet Pea's face.

"What the hell man?" Sweet Pea asked, raising his hands up in defense as Fangs did the same. Stevie took a step forward, causing Archie to point the gun at her. She quickly raised her hands up, heart beating erratically. Sweet Pea quickly moved Sweet Pea behind him as Archie put the gun towards him again. Fangs quickly took off as Stevie tried pulling Sweet Pea away.

"Who made a mistake?" He shouted as the two teens ran to catch up with their friend.

"What the fuck just happened?" Stevie panted, leaning against the wall as Fangs and Sweet Pea stopped in front of her.

"That kid is friends with your brother? Seriously?" Fangs asked, disbelief on his face as he looked over at the girl.

Stevie just nodded her head, pushing her hair out of her face, putting it up in a ponytail.

"And he wants to judge you for being a serpent? When his best friend has the balls to point a gun at his sister?" Sweet Pea scoffed, looking over at Stevie.

"Archie wasn't always like this. He's actually a really sweet kid. Who's clearly taken one too many footballs to the head." Stevie explained, walking in front of the two, leading them back to Sunnyside, "God, who knew seeing Sweet Pea with his switchblade was such a turn on?"

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