Chapter 25 : Boy Friend's House Visit

Start from the beginning

Groggily, you opened your eyes as much as your condition allowed. This was the seventh time already, and you just wanted to sleep without the nagging pain in your head forcing you to wake up. Getting this sick is nothing new but damn this one is quite severe. What would've been a two or three-day flu for others would last about a week at worst and five days at best for you and that was why you always paid close attention to your health (staying up late at night when it was exams week being the exception). Of course, you weren't invincible. So when you do get sick, you get sick.

Groaning and cursing under your breath, you slowly adjusted yourself so that you were lying on your side. It was a simple task but with your body telling you no, as did your head, you just found yourself rolling back into your original position.

"It hurts..." you whined. With your head imploding and your vision being a little foggy, you failed to notice that someone had just entered the room.

"Huh? (F/n), you're hurting?! Where? Are you alright? When did you wake up?"

It took you a while but soon you recognized who that voice belonged to.

"Tooru? Wh-what are you doing here?" You weakly tried to sit up to address the situation.

Oikawa set down the tray he was carrying and smiled down at you. In one swift motion, he gently stopped you from sitting up and you found yourself lying back down.

"To nurse you back to health, duh."


"Why don't you visit her?"

Ushijima paused from eating before directing his gaze to Tendou.

"Can I?" Ushijima asked. Having had his phone confiscated during class, Ushijima sought advice from his teammates on what he should do. Fortunately, they were more than happy to supply him with what he needed to know—this time, without Tendou joking around, for the time being.

"Of course! You're her boyfriend so it wouldn't be a big deal. She'll definitely be happy that you're going to visit."

"Besides..." Leon chimed in, "'re the only one who knows where she lives."

"(L/n) must be feeling really depressed right now. We lost at Nationals, she got really sick, and she missed the third-years' send-off ceremony. Losing the Nationals already frustrates me like crazy and she has to carry two more problems on her shoulders," Yamagata sighed before taking a sip from his drink.

"And that's all the more reason for you to go and visit her. In this kind of situation, you're probably the only one who can lift her spirits," Semi said to Ushijima.

Ushijima pondered for a moment before going back to his lunch. With his phone confiscated, he'd be dropping by without notifying you first but as Tendou said, there shouldn't be any problems. As Ushijima continued to eat, he felt excited at the chance to be able to see you. Though it had only been a day, all the worrying he did over your well-being contributed greatly to this longing and Ushijima couldn't wait. He also couldn't have timed his visit any better as today was their day-off for practice.

"Must be exciting..." Tendou teased, "...visiting your sick girlfriend at her house. The two of you alone behind closed doors in her room. Kyaaah! How scandalous~"

"Hey! Don't put any weird thoughts into Wakatoshi," Semi scolded.

"You say that but you're the one who's blushing wildly Eita-kun. You must be feeling excited right, Wakatoshi-kun?" Tendou grinned.

Ushijima nodded, "yes, I can't wait to see her."

Thus concludes the story on how the second-years suffered the uwu attack from Ushijima. (A/N: The uwu is strong).

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