Chapter 12 : Behind Oikawa's Eyes

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A/N: SCHOOL IS OVERRRRRR!!!! But it resumes in May... Damn it all..

Anyway, the moment break started I made sure to start on this story right away. I seriously want the story to get to the high school part quickly so I got Oikawa to save the day~ yay! Thank you all so much for your patience and votes, it seriously means a lot

* (gm/n) - grandma's name

Hope you enjoy this chapter ^^


Oikawa's POV

Cheers filled the stadium as the time-out between matches ensued. He continued to pant, desperately grasping for air as he tries to keep his concentration in check. "Two damn sets..." he heaved in his mind, repeatedly. The pressure has gotten into him, and it seemed as if he had wasted his energy quite inefficiently. The coach continued to speak but he couldn't understand any of what was being said. His ears have begun to hear a constant irritating buzz that seemed to sound a little bit higher with each passing second. His vision has started to slowly narrow as his breathing grew harder, his concentration faltering along with his will to play. "Damn it! I want to stand on the damn court! Damn it!" he cursed in his head with gritted teeth as he felt the ground beneath him seemingly give way, leaving him spiralling down into the darkest corners of his mind.

Unable to bear his growing frustration, he looked up at the stands, hoping to find a glimmer of inspiration, motivation, any-damn-thing that would distract him from his pessimistic thoughts. His eyes quickly scanned the crowds desperate for a way out when something (h/c) caught his eye. His eyes stopped on her. "Who is she?" was the first question that came to his mind and in an instant his surroundings appeared to float. Unblinking, his eyes stayed glued on her, afraid that if he blinked, she would disappear along with his surroundings that seemed to fade into white. He was caught off guard when he felt her eyes on him, and he swear that in that moment he felt everything disappear, from his frustrations to the fatigue he felt on his body. Unaware of what to do, he did the thing he knew best. He smiled at her.



"Ow! That hurts Iwa-chaaaannnn!!" Oikawa whined as he rubbed the growing bump on his head. "It's because you were daydreaming, you dumbass!" Iwaizumi spat as he walked towards the whining setter to pick up the ball right next to him. "You're the one who asked me to stay with you for extra practice and yet you have the balls to daydream more than half of the time. It's friggin' dark out, Shittykawa!" Iwaizumi noted in annoyance while pointing towards the window. The spring high tournament passed by like a blur for them, their team played a good game against Shiratorizawa for 4 sets but in the end, Shiratorizawa prevailed as the champions 3 sets to 1.

Iwaizumi sighed and sat down a few ways away from the setter before leaning back against the wall. Twirling the ball in his hand he glanced at the brown-haired setter "what's eating you? Overworking yourself is one thing but you daydreaming... now that's a whole other story" he asked, a tad bit concerned for his childhood friend. "Iwa-chan..." Oikawa started as he glanced over his shoulder to look at him, the seriousness of his voice catching the attention of his best friend "...could it be that you're actually in love with me?" he said playfully after a brief pause, another one of his attempts to lighten up the atmosphere. "HUH?!" Iwaizumi growled menacingly while glaring at the now trembling setter.

Oikawa sighed "it's this (h/c)-chan" he said as he sat cross-legged, his body now facing Iwaizumi. "Another damn girl... should've known" Iwaizumi thought in annoyance, he was about to walk away as he clearly lost interest to his friend's light problem when all of a sudden he noticed the shift in Oikawa's features. He was serious. The kind of serious he would usually only see on Oikawa's face during matches but there was something else to it, the soon-to-be ace couldn't quite get a grasp on what it was Oikawa was feeling at the moment but he knew that it was something he should give attention to, he was still Oikawa's friend after all. "What about this (h/c)-chan?" he asked in an un-amused tone but still he urged him to continue. Oikawa looked up at the ceiling, his face contorted in a confused expression as he was unaware himself of what there was to the (h/c)-colored girl.

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