Chapter 10 : Misunderstandings

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A/N: Happy holidays everyone!! I'm really surprised and thankful that so many of you have read this story of mine. And I apologize for the delay OTL

As a way to say sorry, I made this chapter a bit longer than usual (like around 5,000 words or so), also made it a bit fast paced to help in the progression of the story... that being said I hope you enjoy reading this chapter ^^


Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap......

The practically empty library makes a great concert hall to the sound of your fingers tapping your keyboard. Like an assembly line piece, you mechanically shifted your eyes from the LCD screen to the papers in front of you and back. A good afternoon spent away from annoyances as you needed the concentration. Meeting was cancelled for the day because the club room was getting a new A/C in exchange for the old one (that Akiyama broke) so you thought of finishing your leftover paperwork in the library. For the past months, the student council was busy in more ways than one. Shiratorizawa, being the big school it is obviously had to cater to a large amount of students; this fact only became glaringly clear to you when the day for the Sports and Cultural Festival approached.

Everyone had to work during summer break just to get the prep work done in order and when classes did start, you often found yourself coming home late and at times sleeping over at (bf/n)'s dorm room. Although you had fun during both events, the work that came along with it made you doubt what you feel sometimes. And now, though both events have passed by as a huge success, you were still dealing with the paperwork that came after it. You sighed deeply as you leaned back on your seat "I'm tired~" you whined "So damn sleepy..." you huffed as you shut your eyes close.

"Well, aren't you a hard worker?"

A clear deep voice brought you back to the realm of consciousness. You carefully peeked through one eye and found Benzai standing across the table in front of you, his auburn hair practically shining in contrast with the color of the setting sun. His image made your eyes pop open as you tried to stop yourself from yawning. "You okay (l/n)-chan?" he said as he sat in the seat in front of you. "Y-Yes! I'm sorry. Ummm... have you finished the reports yet?" You stammered as you snapped back to your thoughts. He replied with a weak chuckle and waved his hand in a dismissive way "I wish! Akiyama-san's graduating soon so I'm practically in charge right now, not like there was ever a difference in the past, but still... being next in line for student council president is a lot of work. Oh! Don't mind me, continue your work... I just want someone to talk to while I kill time" He said with a smile as he leaned back on his chair whilst adjusting his glasses up the bridge of his nose using his middle finger.

You replied with a nod and returned your attention to the computer screen in front of you. Your fingers tapping on the keyboard as fast as the words came in your mind. "Hey... did something happen during the Volleyball Inter High?" Benzai said in a low tone. You were practically in the zone that you honestly forgot that Benzai was sitting across to you but what he said made you stop. Silence enveloped the both of you; his eyes scanning you as he looked through his glasses while you had your head lowered enough to cover your face. "Nothing happened~ Why?" you replied with a smile as you faced him. "Hmmm... I see" he said in as he looked at you sceptically. Your smile never faded as he examined you, you didn't dare look away let alone utter another word as you let him stare you down.

As you sat there practically like a doll with a plastered face, your mind began to drift elsewhere. For the past few months, you were doing a damn good job in running away. You refused to either think about it or dwell on it... or on him. Until now you were fine, he didn't even cross your mind. Then suddenly, poof, it's back. And it's just because someone asked. Benzai's words caused everything to weigh back down on you in an instant. The pain and the hurt you felt on that one day began to slowly creep in into your core that you couldn't stop your hands from trembling, luckily they were concealed under the table. "I can't stand you" your hands flinched as Ushijima's voice began to fill your head as you reminisce the scene.

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