Chapter 17 : Sometimes it's okay to ask for help

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- So yeah like the last chapter, there will be mentions of bullying and a lot of curse words and all that

Anyways, hope you enjoy ^^


Mornings for Shirabu usually start with a loud onslaught of noise coming from his alarm but other than that he was usually enshrouded in a comforting silence. This silence that begins in his home, and lasts even until he attends class. This haven of his, only gets shattered whenever he enters the court—all due to one specific boisterous redheaded senpai. At first, he found it an annoyance but as time rolled by—he couldn't understand how—he found himself coming to terms with this added noise and found it as something tolerable. However, that didn't mean that he would be willing to accept the sudden barrage of texts and calls coming from not only his senpai but also a certain well-endowed, equally as boisterous female swimmer.

He already knew that his day would be hell the moment he was awoken from his sleep by the sound of a familiar ringtone three hours before his alarm is due to go off. Not thinking straight, as one would expect from someone suddenly woken up, he answered the call, and regretted it.

Since that call, he had been forced into a downward spiral without so much as a minute's reprieve for his suffering. Well, that was until he was able to recollect his thoughts and disengage his battery from his phone. However, the repetitive echoes of their voices remained and now here he was, sleep-deprived and running on a short fuse.

Sure, being bombarded with calls and messages was something he can get used to, heck, he was part of the surprisingly lively Shiratorizawa VBC group chat. What pissed him off to no end was how each call and text carried the same context.

"Watch over (f/n)!"

"Like hell I will!" he cursed under his breath as he walked up the stairs. Heaving, he brushed his hand along the strands of his hair before turning a corner when all of a sudden he found himself slowly falling to the ground.

He fell down with a loud thud and cursed under his breath as the stinging sensation that emanated from his butt coursed throughout his lower limbs. He didn't care who it was that caused him to topple over, someone was definitely getting an earful from him.

He opened his mouth to speak—ready to spout out a harsh string of insults—but instead he was left gaping, his words being stuck in his throat as his brown-gray eyes widened in shock. He sat there motionless and confused, unable to think of what he should do, when a girl he knew—especially someone he was (forced) tasked to look after—was crying.

He lifted his hand to nudge your shoulder and hopefully console you with light pats before asking what was wrong but he surprisingly found himself unable to do so. It only registered to him after a few moments that you were drenched from head to toe and that the sides of your hands and skirt were both covered in black ink, chalk and something else that reeks. Being overwhelmed with concern, he grabbed gently unto both of your shoulders "what happened?! (L/n)-san who did this?" he asks calmly but the fury in his voice was still evident. As annoying as the request was, he refused to see you in such a state—more so now that you're part of the team, his team.

Metanoia [Ushijima x reader]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu