Chapter 6

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                                                                                       Luna's POV

      When I came too the first thing I saw was the Demon that had tried to kill Shippo and I making some kind of soup or something. 

     "Oh you're awake. Well I was just about to prepare you to be the final ingredient in the potion I'm making." He said and chuckled darkly. I knew there was no plausible way I was getting out of this. Suddenly a more human looking one busted in and there was a woman on his arm. His brother and him exchanged some words and while they were arguing I figured I would try my hand at sneaking away but Manten stopped me and I sighed. 

     Hitan sat next to me as I said I could help them get more shards. 

    "And how do you pan on getting us more shards?" He asked. 

     I came up with an on the fly lie and I only hoped when they called my bluff Inuyasha was smart enough to go with it. 

      "Have you two ever heard of the handsome warrior Inuyasha?" I asked and mentally gagged. Inuyasha was handsome but speaking of him like this to get these two to believe me was revolting. 

     "No." Hitan said and I smiled coyly. 

     "Well he's strong and madly in love with me. He has shards of the Jewel and would gladly give them up for me if you told him you had me. I know he would." I said and mentally chuckled. The ugly one certainly was smarter than his brother but even he was convinced, even if only mildly. It seemed Hitan called the shots anyhow so convincing him was the top priority. 

     "Alright, we'll go to this Inuyasha but know that if you're lying, you'll end up just like here." He said and pointed to the body of the woman he had killed moments ago. I nodded, allowing them to take me with them to find Inuyasha. As soon as I seen an escape I was taking it. When we found them Hiten decided to attack and Inuyasha narrowly dodged it. 

     "So you're Inuyasha? Well we have your woman and if you want your lover back then you'll give us the shards." He demanded and I seen Inuyasha's face contort in confusion. 

     "Lover?" He asked and I sighed. 

      "Yes, now is no time to be shy." I said, trying to tell him to play along but he was apparently more stupid than I had originally thought. Suddenly Hiten attacked Inuyasha before he had a chance to draw his sword and I watched in horror. Manten attempted to assist his brother and I frowned. 

     "Two against one os no fair." I said and pushed him off the cloud, causing myself to fall as well. I heard Inuyasha call out but Hiten kept him from catching me. I landed on Manten and was just glad nothing was broken. 

       Just as he was about to kill me Shippo used one of his illusions and I ran off, watching as Manten's last hair fell out and he seemed to get even angrier. I then told Shippo of an idea I had to get the arrow from Manten's nose, stating I could probably use it again. He agreed and transformed into me and when Manten grabbed him he used his hair to restrain the Demon and I yanked the arrow from his nose. I raised the arrow to strike his forehead but then he got free of Shippo's grasp and grabbed me by the throat and lifted me from the ground. I struggled against his grasp, kicking at him to try and get him to let me go. 

       I heard Inuyasha call out to me as I was being choked. I heard words being exchanged but the lack of air was making it harder to stay conscious. Suddenly I was dropped and I gasped for air, looking to see Inuyasha's sword sticking into Manten who was collapsed onto his knees. I grabbed the arrow, Shippo, and his father's fur and ran off towards Inuyasha as Hiten made his way to his fallen brother. 

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