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   "Todd Anderson," a woman said as she opened the door to the dorm, "your parents are here to visit." She forced a smile.

Todd tossed his chemistry notebook to the foot of his bed, discarding the formula he was working on. He stood with a groan, trudging out of the room. Today was his birthday- he was turning 17 and this was the first time his parents had come to visit since his first day when they were required to attend. He ambled through the halls, his head hung and his hands buried in the pockets of his trousers. With a deep inhale, he pushed open the door to the visitor's room, forcing a smile upon seeing his mother and father sat on a stiff red loveseat. "Hi," he uttered quietly.

"Hello, Todd!" His mother smiled, standing up to kiss him on his cheek. His father held a hand up as a greeting. Todd mimicked the gesture and seated himself in the brown chair opposite from his parents.

"Happy Birthday, honey!" His mom continued, holding out a desk set adorned with a yellow ribbon.

"Thanks," Todd muttered, taking the desk set from his mother's hands. It was embellished with the same silver paint as the one he had received last year, and upon further investigation, was the exact same set that his parents gave him last year. Disappointment settled in his stomach as he held the set in his lap, his cheeks aching as he held a faux closed-mouthed smile to appease his parents.

"So that you can keep up with those grades." His father mumbled.

Todd nodded wordlessly, bouncing his feet as he ransacked his mind for a prompt for a conversation worth engaging in.

"Has Jeff called you?" Mother asked.

Todd exhaled the breath he held. He knew this was coming. He shook his head no.

"Oh! What a shame. He's in the top 3 of his class! They say he's going to be one of the best lawyers in America! Isn't that wonderful, Todd?"

"Good for him," Todd said quietly.

"Yes! God, you should be proud of your brother! He's making such a great life for himself. You really should be looking up to him." His mother beamed. His father smiled and nodded along.

"I am, I am," Todd nodded. He held his tongue between his teeth and focused his eyes on a loose floorboard.

Silence fell between the three and the disconnect between Todd and his parents hung heavy in the air. He knew they were aware of it- how couldn't they be? He had no idea what to speak about. Any conversation that didn't revolve around Jeffery was empty and draining. His father shifted in his chair, clearing his throat.

"Okay, well, we hope you have a good birthday," he said as he got on his feet, "your mother and I love you lots. Give us a call, maybe we can all go out to dinner- Jeff, us, and you."

"Alright," Todd said quietly, "thank you."

"Of course, sweetheart," his mother planted a kiss on his forehead before she exited the room behind his father.

Todd turned the desk set in his hands. He waited a minute before leaving the visiting room. He moved on auto-pilot toward the bridge that connected the main campus to the dorms. As he briskly strode to the stony fixture, he bit back tears. It was his birthday, couldn't his parents shut up about Jeffery for just ten minutes? He sat down with his back against the cold stone, facing the setting sun. Couldn't they see he was trying? He wanted to be as good as Jeff; he didn't want to live in his shadow. It was as if anything that Todd accomplished meant nothing to his parents; they couldn't care less. They wanted nothing to do with him. He doubted that they even wanted him around.

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