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The bastard had the audacity to say "keep the shirt" before leaving. I had swept his shirt off and put on Illiana's as quickly as humanly possible. Obviously, that couldn't have happened without all three of them seeing the merchandise, but I was really only mad at Kyle.

"Fucking jerk," I grumbled as I took my backpack and started walking towards my fourth period class. Vince fell into step with me while Illiana and Kyle had gone the other way.

People were whispering and staring at me. I never really had this much attention solely on me. Usually it was only because I was walking with Vince or Illiana, but this time, it was all me.

Vince grabbed my hand and it was as shocking as me going shirtless in the middle of the hallway. His thumb brushed the back of my palm soothingly. "I know. I'll have a talk with him. Just... be careful, okay? Don't mind everyone else either."

I couldn't think about anything else but Vince holding my hand. Why was he...? "Sorry what?" Other people were staring at our hands, too. I think I saw a phone or two.

"Be careful with Kyle," he repeated.

I casted him an incredulous look. "I can take care of myself, Vince." I pulled my hand away from him and that seemed to startle him out of whatever fantasy he was in.

"Sorry, right," he said and stuck his hands in his pockets. "What I mean is that I'm pretty sure Kyle's targeting you for the game."

"The game? Oh... the game." The game as in the one the Players Extraordinaires played on the rest of the student body. "Do--do you guys not like, discuss this?"

"Yeah," he scoffed, "after the conquest."

Conquest. Yeah, no. I didn't like that word.

"Um, okay. Thanks for... letting me know, I guess."

Vince gave a nod and we stopped in front of my classroom. "See ya around, Elle," he said with a small smile and wave. Then he was bounding further down the hall and I disappeared into my classroom.


The rest of the day could not be described as good. In both of my fourth and fifth periods, girls and guys alike were hammering me about Kyle and Vince. I even caught wind of some of the rumors going around, and to say I was disgusted would be an understatement.

At the end of the day, I ran out of my fifth period class as soon as I could. I went to my locker and did my routine after-school checks and transfers. Once done, I headed out with my lanyard of keys swinging from my neck.

It just about hit golden hour and I squinted against the sun's bright light. Kids were all scrambling to their cars or lingering around campus. A huge hoard of them moved slowly out of the school gates. I walked over to my car which was in a spot that was relatively easy to get out of and would be easier to get out of this parking lot, too.

As I neared, I spotted something left on my windshield. I furrowed my brows and plucked the standard white letter envelope from the dash. I tore open the flap and pulled out a mask. The mask was made of thin white plastic and adorned with iridescent silver flourishes. There was a note inside, as well, with "just in case - x, lia" scribbled onto it.

I shook my head with a small smile and put the mask and note back into the envelope. I then promptly tossed the envelope into the passenger seat with my backpack. I quickly backed out of the space and headed home.

On a Friday afternoon, my parents were both home, surprisingly. They both were head scientists at some genetic company, so I didn't exactly see them often. 

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