Chapter Seven

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I'm still alive! I had a cheer leading comp (Woo-hoo we're so good BTW!!!) and then I had school and, ugh, just life! But anyway I'm back now and I'm updating so don't kill me! :)


My next lesson was dance, I loved being on the dance team, I got up and started walking to the door. Elliot grabbed my arm and whispered in my ear, "We're not done yet." I shivered and walked out of the common room.

When I got to the Gym the bell signalling there was 5 minutes until class started. I walked inside and went straight to the changing rooms and stripped out of my uniform. I put on my black sports bra that said 'Fierce' on it in pink and my purple Nike Pro's. I took off my Converse and slipped on my pink and green Nike Free 5.0's.

I walked out and put my bag against the back wall. Our coach walked in and said, "Alright ladies, today we will do all our dances for the boys!" I sighed. I forgot the year 10 boys were coming to watch us today. Wait! Elliot's in year 10... NO!

Anyway, Miss Craft said that we were doing all the dances, which means I had to do: the cheer routine, our hip-hop routine, our jazz dance, my cheer solo, my cheer trio, my dance solo, my lyrical duo and my hip-hop duo. Oh my god, that's 8 dances! I'm lucky this class goes for 2 hours. We had 15 minutes to warm up and stretch, then we all had to line up for our cheer dance while the boys came in and sat down.

Once everyone was seated, Miss Craft made her usual announcements and then began the music. Our cheer routine was perfect, no bobbles or falls in stunts, no touches in tumbling and heaps of attitude in our dance section.

Miss Craft got some of the guys to make comments and one of them just happened to be Elliot, he said, "I never knew Darci could get any sexier! But obviously she can! Darci, will you go out with me? Oh and you girls are really good!" and everyone clapped, cheered and whistled.

Miss Craft, being the youngest and loveliest teacher here, gave me the microphone so I could answer him. "Uh.... no." I replied then laughed.

All the dancers were sent backstage, I went to my bag to get a drink but my my phone flashed. I picked it up and unlocked it. I had a text from Elliot saying, 'Why'd you reject me?' I replied, 'Because I don't want to date someone on their first day.' It took a few seconds to reply, 'What about that kiss?' I sighed, Miss Craft yelled for us to get ready for our jazz.

I took off my Nike's and, unlike usual when I would put on my jazz shoes, I just wore my socks. We walked out onto the stage and set up our routine. The music started and we danced our hearts out, when we were done I disn't stay and listen to the comments.

I went backstage to my bag and got out my phone, I had a text from Elliot, 'The kiss didn't mean anything did it?' I didn't want to text him so I pressed the call button. After 3 rings he picked up, "Hello?" he asked. "Uh hi. It's Darci. About that.... uh... kiss... well..." I trailed off. "Spit it out! Did it mean anything or not?" he asked in frustration. "Well... I... did it mean something to you?" I replied.

Imogen then came over and said that I had about 15 minutes until we had to go back on, I nodded and she walked away. Elliot breathed out and whispered, "Yeah..." I gasped and pretty much fell off my non-existent chair.

"Well.... it.... well... it... uh... didn't... it... did.... it did to me as well..." I said then sighed. "So..." Elliot said awkwardly, "Why'd you reject me?" I replied, "I've told you already." He sighed and said, " Yes you have, but I want to hear you say it."

I frowned a little and said, "Why?" He laughed and replied, "Because I love your voice, it's so sexy and hypnotizing." I blushed but told him why I rejected him anyway, "Because I don't want to be asked out in front of every year 10 at school. And because I don't want to look like a slut or anything for going out with someone on their first day, that's Alysa's job."

He laughed and said, "I noticed." I laughed this time and said, "Umm... as much as I'd love to stay and chat... I have to get ready to perform now. Adios!" then hung up.

Imogen came over and said, "Get ready for our hippity-hoppity routine." I laughed as she walked away. I put my phone in my bag and slipped my Nike's back on, our coach yelled for us to get on stage. I took my position at the front and, when the music started, began dancing.

I got to the part where I, being the smallest, walk across everybody's backs like stairs. I got to the last few people, when suddenly I was falling.

The last thing I remember was people screaming my name before everything went black.


Dun Dun Dun! What happened?

I'll update soon so you find out.... or maybe I won't *cue evil laugh*

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Kisses Hayley!


☮ ☃ ☻ ☺ ۞ ❤

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