Chapter Two

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A/N: I'm back with more Twin #1... hope you like the new chappie! <3


My only reply was a small gulp.

"What do you mean?" I half whispered.

"I mean that someone is coming here! Duh! Someone is moving into the house next to your's dumbass!" she yelled in frustration.

"Ok woman! Calm your tits! you know who it is?" I clicked my tongue, "or nah?!" I laughed.

"I don't know them... but the aunt is your mum's and my mum's bestfriend from high school or university or something. Oh and apparently they have to really hot sons... so yeah!" Imogen explained to me.

"Oh, ok! So does my mum know the sons? I wanna see them! On a scale of 1-10 how hot do you think they'll be? When are they moving in and where from?" I asked in one breath.

"Well, your mum might know them, I wanna see them too, I think they'll be an 8, 9 or 10 'cause their mum is super gorgeous, they're moving in on Tuesday... so in 2 days and they're moving from London." she answered.

"Ooh! British hotties! Yum!" I exclaimed. Imogen just laughed.

"You should probably get home... it's nearly midnight." I agreed and left her house. Did I mention she lives next door to me? No, well she does. I skipped home, climbed up to my window and not so gracefully fell on to the floor of my bedroom.

I had a shower and shaved my bear like legs for the first time, then changed into my much loved Elmo pajamas. I got into bed and pulled my phone off of my bedside table, as I was scrolling through my Instagram notifications I saw that I had a follow request from some guy named Elliot Fisher, I started going through his followers and saw that Blake Clarkson from my school was there. I decided that I would follow him. I started going through his photos and learnt that was a) really, really hot b) from London c) really hot... wait I said that already... and d) a twin. I looked at the time and saw that it was 12:15am on a Monday, I was about to switch off my phone and go to sleep because schhol started in 8.5 hour, but I saw that I had a Direct Message from that Elliot guy. It was a picture of the sunrise with some snow covered trees, it was actually quite beautiful, but it was the comment he left which gave me butterflies. It read: 'See u at school tomoro babe x <3' at first I was like "Ew! What a creep!" and then I was like " I have to find out who this guy is". I replied with 'Whatever "babe" cya tomoro ;) xx'. I smiled, put my phone on charge on my bedside table and went to sleep.


A/N: Picture of the photo Elliot sent her on the side.

Thanks for reading babes!

Hayley xx

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