What happened last night?  Even as I entertained the question momentarily, I could feel my heart starting to race.  I hadn't really relaxed at all since yesterday afternoon and that text that was no longer there. 

    How in the world were these messages just gone?

And what about the people I was now stuck in this situation with? What did I really know about either Ana or Taylor?  I'd just asked Taylor out. I liked her. Other than that, nothing.  I almost laughed out loud.  Clearly the date was off now.  Ava, I knew a little better.  Sort of friends-of-friends situation. Still, basically nothing.

    I refocused on the street in front of me.  The boys were gone. I had never noticed them leave.  I guess I had been looking basically right at them.  I frowned.  I didn't usually get absent-minded like that, even when my mind was going.

    I was still puzzling as I walked through into the kitchen.  Supper was a classic Chinese takeout. We take turns making supper, today was my mom's, and she had no time since she had to work on a Saturday.  That was strange for her, actually.

    "Where did you go this afternoon?" My mom asked.

    "I-", I stopped.  "I was just out with a few friends," I said.  I certainly couldn't tell her the truth about last night and everything.  I was still anxious, and on top of that, I felt a pang of guilt keeping this from her.  My mom and I are usually very close.  I gulped air quickly and flashed a smile. 

    She knew I was lying to her. I pressed on.  "Or it was a girl.  Not telling you which." 

    "Ooooh!" Jordan teased. I gave her a silly grin.

    "Are you sad your big brother is all grown up now?"

    She cackled with laughter.  "Yeah, we'll see about that!"  That led to a whole round of teasing back and forth.  Even if I couldn't tell my family all the things on my mind right now, I could still joke around. Things seemed almost normal. I needed that.

    Afterwards, I went upstairs and sprawled on my bed.  It was messy, but I'd have to deal with that later. I was exhausted.  I lay there, staring at the stucco ceiling, no longer able to care about anything. 

    I was about to drift off, when I felt my phone buzzing beside me.  My eyes snapped open. Was it the man again? I rolled over to check. No. It was Mike.

    "Hey," I said into the phone. 

    "Chris, Can I come over?" He sounded scared, and jumpy.

    "Now?"  I glanced at the clock. It was 8:30 pm.  "I know it's early, but I'm really tired.  Aren't you?"

    "Not anymore.  Just let me come over.  Seriously. I'll explain when I get there." I could hear the relief in his voice.

    Thirty-five minutes later Mike arrived.  He didn't even say hi as he came in.  I followed him as he trooped up the stairs and straight into my dishevelled room. 

    "Sorry," I said as he locked the door behind me.  He didn't even notice, just spun around and started pacing. 

    "Okay. This is ridiculous.  I can't even..." He noticed the floor, the chair, and the desk.  "What happened in here?  It looks like a tornado ran through.  Anyways.." He paused for a moment, collecting his thoughts. I let it pass.

    "Okay, so I was sitting on the couch at home, playing some video games and trying to forget whatever it was that gave us those delusions yesterday. Then I get a text.  From Clarissa.  Like, just a chill text about the test on Tuesday.  Like, I know anything about Mr. Pashki's marking style. But that's besides the point - anyways, I get this text, and suddenly, I see this..vision, or... almost a movie." Chris was rocking back and forth, almost excited. Maybe also scared shitless.

"I see Clarissa fighting with her boyfriend - what's his name.  They have a huge fight outside on a street corner. She's yelling and pointing at him and then he's screaming back at him and then it's like the whole scene snaps to later and I see her thinking about how she wants to flirt with me to make him feel bad.  How she's going to ask me if I'm free on Friday night just hang out even though we haven't hung out years.  If it works out, she may even consider breaking up with him - he's been so boring lately." 

He stopped abruptly and stood there, looking at me, waiting for a response.

    I burst out laughing.  "You.." I could hardly get the words out, "You.." I tried again.  "You.. are so full of it."

    He frowned.  "Okay, stop it. You know I'd never just hang out with her alone, even if she wanted to."

    "Oh? Do you realize how ridiculous you sound?  Oh, the girls are so hot on me.  They'll break up with their boyfriends and.." I was imitating him but seeing the look on his face I stopped.  "You're actually serious?"

    Mike nodded. 

    I sat on my bed.

    "You've never.. like this isn't a normal thing - like a daydream or a... I don't know..."

    Mike was shaking his head no.

    I could feel my heart starting to race again. No.

    "Okay, well," my was racing, trying to justify this 'vision', "maybe this is part of what that man was talking about?  What did he say - something about our perceptions changing?"

    Mike nodded.  "Yeah.  Something like that.  How about you?  Anything weird?"

    I considered.  "I don't think so."

    "Are you sure? Nothing at all?" he asked. I could see a glimmer of hope in his eyes.

"Look, I know that it would be helpful if I had these things too, but.." I thought hard then shook my head again, "No. Nothing."

    Mike thought for a moment.  "Okay.  Well maybe we're starting to figure out what's going on.  Maybe we have extra knowledge now?  Or something?"

    "Or maybe you're just full of it, Mike."

    He finally smiled.  "Yeah.  Or that."


Hi Everyone! I'm a few days late posting today, but I'll make up for it by adding a bonus chapter this week. Going forward you can still expect a Monday and Wednesday release schedule! As always please feel free to give me any feedback you want.

FlippedOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora