The Final Battle (Part 3)

Start from the beginning

"What are you doing letting a Mudblood hold my grandson!" Lucius screamed but I ignored him. "Draco do something." He ordered but Draco was too busy cowering in shame behind his mother. 

After blocking out Lucius and securing Scorpius' safety, I casted a protective charm and a concealment charm on my big belly, It was getting hard to move around so it needed to be done. When it was casted I felt way better so I decided to approach my father but I stopped half-way when I saw Harry open his eyes for a split second. I blinked hard and focused. Were my eyes playing tricks on me? I thought but when I saw the corners of his lips turn up, I smiled. Then he winked at me and I felt over joyed. Harry Potter is not dead, he is in fact very much alive. I smirked and took out my wand. My powers may have returned to me earlier but I didn't know how long that would last so I wasn't going to push it.

"Ariana darling, why have you taken out your wand?" My father questioned.

"Well Tom, remember that night when you tortured my son and almost killed him." My father visibly gulped, enlarging my smirk. "Well, I remember that night perfectly." I twirled my wand between my fingers. "I gave you a punishment. What was it? Ahh yes.....death." I hissed but smirked when I spotted Nagini next to my father. "I assume Harry Potter was going to defeat you but given the circumstances I'll have to finish the job." 

"But why would you even dream of hurting your father?" He asked baffled.

I rolled my eyes and all the vent up anger was unleashed. "Why? WHY! Are you seriously asking me why? Motherfucker! Your stupid ass has caused nothing but hell in this world and you fathom as to why I would even think of killing you? I have dreamt, no I have plotted to kill you ever since you killed Jessie." I hissed.

"It wasn't me it was Bellatrix." He defended.

"I really don't give a fuck who said the spell. You order it and don't worry that bald little head of yours, Bellatrix will get hers right after I'm done with your sorry ass!" I snapped causing murmurs to errupt.

"Don't talk to the Dark Lord like that?" Bellatrix interrupted.

"Bitch shut the fuck up! Your desperate ass got a husband, which I killed, and you keep sucking my father like leave him the fuck alone. He don't want no desperate house-wife, he loved my mother and only her. So stay the fuck out of this bloody conversation before I take you out of it myself!." I threatened and it was so silent, a pin could have drop and everyone would have heard it.

"My lord? May I kill her?" Bellatrix begged for permission but my father shook his head no.

"Ahh come on Voldie let her have a go at me. It's not like your trying to be a good father or anything. Merlin knows you've already failed at life." I stated.

"Why are you saying such things Ariana." He asked with a sad toned and I lost it again.

"Don't you fucking dare! Don't give me that I'm a concerned and loving father act because your not! Okay I'l admit that you sometimes have a soft spot for me but the minute you realized you needed me dead you didn't think twice to try and kill me." I sniffled a little. "And you know what Dad, because no matter how much I don't want it to be true you are my dad and I hate you for that, I hate you, I hate you, Go Dammit I hate you so much." I cried and he took a step to 'Comfort' me. "No! I'm not finished." I inhaled. " Do you know how many chances I have given you? Do you know how many times I have thought of not going through with my revenge and just accepting you as a father-" 

"Then why don't you it?" He interupted. "You know I l-love you."

"LIAR" I yelled. "Don't lie to me. I know you don't love me, you are incapable of loving anyone."

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