After the Fall II

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I started walking along the narrow ledge that circled around the cavern while Healijah trailed behind me. The ledge eventually led to another small, jagged ledge that I had to climb before leading to a small hole in the wall near the ground.

"Ooh, look!" Healijah exclaimed. "We could slip in through here! Want to give it a goo?"

"Sure, I'm game," I responded, sighing afterwards. "It's not like we've got a whole heap of other options, right?"

I crawled through the hole and emerged on the other side. The other side was a pathway lit with strange, glowing, crystal-like shapes, and at the end of the path, I could see a hazy, orange-colored light. As we ran towards it, I realized that the orange light was fire, and the ground was made of some strange materials. Out in front of us was a giant canyon that I couldn't see the bottom of, and across from it were other platforms with the ground made out of the same strange material.

When I stepped in the middle of the platform made of the strange materials, it suddenly started moving and floated across the canyon to another platform.

When we got to the other side, I wasn't surprised to see more rock pathways. But, how big was this place? It seemed to go on forever...

After running through the maze of rocky paths and dead ends, we finally made it to a bigger room with what looked like another floating platform in the middle. Except this one was much bigger than the other ones we had seen, and it had a large cylinder-type shape sticking out of it.

We stopped in front of it and Healijah looked it up and down. "It's another one of these thingummies!" he said. "Hmm... But this one's not working..."

He floated up to the cylinder and studied it. "Let's see what's gooing on with it, shall we?" He examined it a bit closer. "Interesting..."

He bounced up a little and turned back around to face me, grinning. "Don't worry, it's not broken! With a little bit of my extra-special magic, it'll be all systems goo in no slime! Well, it might take a minute or two... Just wait there, okay?" When he slurped after his sentence, it was long and loud, which was a bit disgusting.

He turned back towards the cylinder, flapped his tentacles, and started saying, "Wheeeeee!"

I stood there for a moment, staring at him. Suddenly a voice shouted, "Grrrahahaharrr! There they are! Call for reinforcements! We've found our runaways!"

I whirled around and saw a group of monsters charging towards us. There was a giant serpent, some little goblins, another small, skinny dragon like the one we encountered earlier, and another pot guy.

"Gah! They've caught up with us!" I said, annoyed. "Can't you shake a tentacle and get that thing moving?"

I couldn't see him, but his voice became clearer, so I assumed he had turned towards me. "I'm trying, I'm trying! I can't goo any faster! Please, just hold them off for a little while, will you?"

I groaned, then I pulled out my knives and started slicing through the monsters. Soon, there was nothing left but fading purple dust specks.

I turned around just as the thing slid into the platform and the platform started glowing.

"Gooary!" Healijah shouted triumphantly. "It worked! This thing's full to the brim with magic again! Come on, Erik! Climb aboard!"

I nodded at him, ran over, and hopped on the platform. We watched as more monsters emerged from the tunnel and ran towards us. The platform floated away just in time, though, adn Healijah waved and happily said, "Goodbye!"

When we landed safe and sound at the other side, I glanced over at him and smiled a bit. "Heh! not bad, little guy!" I congratulated him.

He turned to face me. "Ha ha! I told you I'm a good slime really! But things would've got sticky if you hadn't been there to keep the monsters at bay!"

Erik's Journey | The FallNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ