1 - Another Breed of Cat

Start from the beginning

"Hurry!" Niall jumped excitedly in his seat. It's been a while since he's seen his fellow blonde friend. While the others weren't crazy about her, Niall still felt connected in friendship with her.

As soon as Zayn shuts the car off, Niall is bolting towards the familiar front door and knocking on it rapidly.

It only takes a moment for the door to swing open revealing Perrie in a pair of denim shorts and a loose plain white t-shirt with an array of necklaces and bracelets stylishly added.

"Hi, Niall!" She smiles warmly, platinum hair up in a messy bun. Her face is clean of make up and her eyes bright turquoise.

"Hello Perrie! I haven't seen you in a long time." Niall beams.

"It's so odd. S'like you've aged a few years since I last saw you." Perrie tilts her head.

Zayn sees exactly what Perrie means. Niall is more matured. Niall styles his hair on his own and has built up a respectable wardrobe. He wears most of Harry's things although his clothes are a size or two too big. Harry seems to fancy it quite a lot though which makes Niall more inclined to keep wearing them. His speech has to be the most noticeable improvement.

"I haven't seen Perrie in a whole month." Niall slumps in exaggerated sadness.

"Feels like longer!" Perrie laughs pulling him into a hug, her bracelets clinking.

Over Niall's shoulder, Perrie catches Zayn's amber eyes all the way from the car. It sets an unwelcome spike in the pit of both their stomaches.

"Come on, Ni. You don't want to keep Louis waiting." Zayn calls not bothering to get out of the car.

The blonde suddenly remembers his lunch plans and the fact that Zayn has classes to attend soon. He didn't mean for things to be cut so short but it's not something he can help.

"I've got your things over here." Perrie says softly, looking like the epitome of a wilted flower.

Perrie leads Niall into the flat, a massive wave of nostalgia hitting him as he remembers nights of junk food and chick flicks while cuddled on the comfy red couch.

Sitting on the coffee table is a tote bag that has Beyonce's face on it with Niall's clothes freely laundered and folded neatly inside it along with the soft cream throw blanket that had originally belonged to Perrie which Niall became obsessed with.

Just as Niall picked up the bag, Fay, Perrie's gray house cat, circles around his ankles. The feline peers up at him with arm familiar pair of green eyes.

"I will miss you too, Fay." Niall kneels down to pet the mewling animal.

"You'll keep in touch, won't you? I know that you're happy now and things between me and Zayn are just blah but I really am going to miss you." Perrie rambles, toying with the pendant on one of her necklaces.

"Yes. I will ring you and send sext messages."

"What? Sext messges?" Perrie nearly goes cross-eyed.

"Yes! Louis told me one time that you give sext messages on the phone with people you miss and love."

"Oh, I'm gonna miss you." Perrie giggles pulling Niall in for one more hug.

Niall holds her tight, a rush of adulation filling him so fast that he feels his face warm. Sure he loves the lads and being with Harry but 

Perrie also had a special place in his heart for all the things she'd done for him. She'd taken him in like a stray cat, mind the pun, with 

nothing in return but Niall's company. It's a ridiculous amount of trust she had bestowed on him but he hadn't let her down.

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