1 - Another Breed of Cat

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Niall and Zayn sit opposite each other on the suede brown couch of their flat.

The blonde is concentrating on the lined piece of paper he's scribbling sentences on as per Zayn's request.

Nowadays, Zayn assigns Niall with more challenging tasks than writing facts like he used to. It's usually paragraphs or stories now that he's advanced. The only times he has to write down facts is when he isn't paying attention or defies Zayn's teachings. It's more like a punishment.

Now for instance, Zayn had been teaching Niall how to write a research paper. Just the week before Louis was showing him the wonders of the internet. Except Niall wasn't paying attention with Zayn. He was more interested in pressing on the fading love bite around the collar of his shirt Harry had given him two nights ago.

"Let's see what you've got so far." Zayn says taking Niall's paper from him.

Harry is my tall boyfriend and I love him very much.

Louis is so funny because he makes a lot of jokes that make me laugh.

Liam has little hairs on his head like a kiwi.

Zayn farts.

Zayn rolled his eyes. These days, Niall is much less toddler-like. He's more like a snarky teenager. Not snarky like Louis but snarky in the way that he calls out the lads when they try to pull a fast one.

"Not bad. Getting smarter everyday, bud." Zayn grins handing the lined paper back to Niall.

The blonde's cheeks warm. He did feel smarter. Now he didn't get a huge ball of anxiety in his stomach from not wanting to sound stupid when he spoke to new people. It felt good, better than good, like he's normal.

"We'd better get going." Zayn sighed getting off the couch and closing all the workbooks on the coffee table.

Niall nodded, following suit.

The pair were heading to Perrie's townhouse to pick up the rest of Niall's things. Granted there weren't many but Niall insisted on going so he could give a proper goodbye to Perrie.

"Zayn?" Niall chirped as they drove over.

"What's up?"

"Do you still like Perrie?" Niall questioned pulling down the visor in the passenger seat.

"As a person, I s'pose I do." Zayn answers solemnly.

"You like Louis more?" Niall asks with a giant smile.

"I guess you can say that." Zayn says softly trying to hold in his grin.

Zayn rarely acknowledges his relationship with Louis. He gets this uncomfortable shift in his body and awkward laugh that Louis rolls his eyes at. It just matters that Zayn tries. He holds Louis' hand, whispers silly things to him, and does his best to appease Louis' whims.

If he tries to analyze it, he realizes he doesn't know what he's doing and he thinks himself into endless circles. He doesn't want it to be stressful. All this overthinking only happens when Louis isn't around. The moment he sees Louis with his smug smile and those damn fitted clothes on his curvy figure. It's tough not to be wrapped around his finger when he's talking to you in that Doncaster lilt of his.

His mind is still on Louis when he pulls up to Perrie's flat.

Once upon a time, parking in front of Perrie's place would've felt second nature to him. It's strange thinking about a time when his mind felt consumed by thoughts of her. It sounds so ridiculous to him now that he's got this thing with Louis. His heart doesn't pound at the thought of seeing her and it's so relieving.

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