6 - High Voltage When We Kiss

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Two days after Harry has had lunch with Nick Grimshaw, he's landed an official interview at the BBC Radio One office thirty minutes away from where he lives.

Lunch with Nick wasn't exactly what Harry expected. He thought he'd be told a few interviewing tips or anything remotely helpful but it seemed Nick just wanted to chat like mates.

If there's anything Harry is terrible at, it's being rude to people. He doesn't have a rude bone in his body so perhaps that's what had kept him from ditching Nick when he knew he wasn't going to get any help.

Then again, he'd gotten called in for a real interview so maybe it wasn't a total loss.

The guys seem genuinely excited for him when he tells them of the upcoming interview. Even Niall who isn't quite sure why it's such a big deal.

Liam skips off to the gym promising to come and hang with Louis and Niall in the next few days. Zayn is nowhere to be found which isn't much of a surprise to Louis.

It was to Louis' understanding that Zayn wanted to talk to him about what happend on Valentine's day but by the time Louis arrived at his flat to finally chat, Liam was standing there looking all unnecessarily apologetic on Zayn's behalf. The only thing truly clear is that Zayn's avoiding him like the plague.

It goes without saying that Louis is peeved as all fuck.

As a distraction Louis is spending the day with Niall as Harry prepares for the big interview after he runs a few of his own errands.

The blonde is trailing after Harry as he gets dressed in a white button up and black jeans. The brunette doesn't want to be too formal but not too casual either. Its a fine line to tread and he's intent on nailing today.

"What do you think? Would you give me a job?" Harry asks folding up his sleeves to reveal the tattoos on his forearms.

"Yes." Niall tells him without hesitation.

When Harry glances up, Niall looks troubled. He can't stand being the source of what's upsetting the blonde. Just looking at the blue eyed boy with a frown sends an unwelcome pang in Harry's chest. Still, he's unsure if it's him that's caused the blonde to look so disheartened. Had he missed something?

"What's the matter, kitten?" Harry strides toward the bed where Niall is sitting cross-legged.

"I'm thinking."

"You can tell me. What's bothering you, my love?" Harry questions, cradling his love's cheeks in his hands to tilt his face upwards toward him.

"What was Louis doing if he was not in footie practice?" Niall asks, his brow furrowed in genuine confusion.

"On Valentine's day, like Zayn said....I'm not sure. Perhaps you can ask him when he gets here." Harry shrugs as he leans down to kiss Niall's forehead.

The tall lad turns around to grab his phone, keys, and wallet from atop the drawers when Niall speaks up again.

"Louis lied. Right, Harry?" His tone is one of realisation and still perplexed.

Harry sighs. Sure Niall is becoming more mature and intelligent but he's got a naivety about him that has stuck. With that said, Harry isn't sure whether it's a good or bad thing.

"Mm...yeah. I s'pose he did. Whatever is going on between him and Zayn doesn't concern you, okay?" Harry calls over his shoulder, slipping his phone and wallet into his pockets.

"Okay." Niall replies simply.

"Let's go wait for Louis." Harry nods towards the living room as he ties a dark green scarf in his hair.

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