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I stare at Jason as he makes his way over to where I'm sitting. He almost prowls. In that moment, the dark look in his shadowed eyes, the way he's looking at me with something that I can't identify but makes my skin crawl, even the tone of his voice when he speaks. It all reminds me of a wild animal. A dangerous one. Maybe it's just my imagination playing tricks on me. Maybe it's real. But I can't bring myself to trust him even a little.

"I really did like you." He tells me casually as he sits down in the doctor's chair just in front of me.

I squirm and try to back away from him. Just for some space. But he leans forward and my efforts are in vain.

"Yeah, I liked you too before you watched Kate almost die and brought us here," I spat back at him venomously.

He laughed and shook his head. "That was my job. I'm supposed to survey her and see how she handles situations of high stress."

"She almost died." I growl, getting up out if my chair and stepping behind it. "Was that stressful enough for you?"

"She was fine." He tells me, waving it off like it was nothing. "Even if she'd died, it's not like much would have changed. I would take a blood sample and we would derive a vaccine and the plan would continue. Just without Katelynn to cause trouble and get in the way. She killed one of the guards when she got here you know. She isn't exactly an easy patient."

"Of course not. You treated her worse than... Well worse than anything ever deserved." I snap back at him, my frustration growing as my lack of argument skills begin to surface.

I want to go home. I don't want to be in this room with him.

He stares at me in thought, but I know better than to think that I'm changing his mind though. He's just thinking about how to best get me on his side. Which isn't gonna happen.

"I was kind of hoping you'd see what she is, but you don't. Elizabeth, she's dangerous, she always has been. She always will be. Nothing more than an animal."

I grit my teeth, and shake my head. There's no use arguing because he's just like the rest of them. Stubborn and arrogant. Only he has the decency, if I can even call it that, not to wear a mask and hide the monstrosity underneath it anymore. But still I feel the need to make it clear that his words mean nothing to me.

"She is my friend." I growl, "she's reliable, trust worthy, smart, and selfless. More than anything you are."

"Ouch, I'm hurt." Jason deadpanned, rolling his eyes. " Fine. Think what you want about it. It's not like it'll change anything."

With that, he gets up and leaves. But not before leaning in close to me and tucking a loose strand of hair behind my ear as he whispers, "but I know you'll come around."

I pull away from him quickly and glare at him, discomfort making my skin crawl and I want to jump back into the shower simply because he touched me. I feel a shiver work it's way down my spine. Not the good kind.

At some point, the lady comes back to this room and leads me back to my own. I sigh as I hear the lock click behind me. As I look around the white room -which is beginning to feel more and more like a prison- I wonder how long this is going to last. I think about Kate. Then I think that I could be here a very long time.

God, I hope not.


It's been a few days I think since I've gotten here. The routine is pretty much the same thing every day. They leave me in this room, and drop off food and water at pretty regular intervals. Not that I have much of an appetite. But I eat anyways when the monstrous ball of anxiety that's made a home in my stomach doesn't force the food back up again. Sometimes they let me out so I can shower and change clothes. But they don't talk to me, or answer my questions anymore. They don't check on me, they don't do much of anything really. Earlier today they let me out to go once again get cleaned up and they took my clothes so they could wash them. I kept Kate's shirt though. I haven't seen her at all in my entire time here. I've seen her charts laying around on tables in the labs when I walked by this morning, but that's it.

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