Chapter 4

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"Y/n wake up!" You jumped as someone poked your sides and you let out a loud laugh. "Mina! What the heck?!" You grumbled as you shoved off the covers. "It's wakey wakey time! Bakugo told me to wake you! Said he was taking you somewhere today!" She cheerfully said, throwing a beautiful blue dress your way ( or a tux and if your non-binary, please choose whatever suits you best!) She looked at it, then you, then back at the dress. "I'm wearing this, why..?" She grinned and pulled out various makeup. "I'm also making you even prettier!"

"Gee, thanks Mina!" You sarcastically said, sliding out of the bed and towards the bathroom. "I didn't mean it like that!"

"I know," you laugh, "also where are the others?"

"The left! Don't you know it's bad luck for the bride to see the groom before marriage?!" She placed a hand on her heart and looked shocked. Your face turned a light shade, "M-Mina! We are not getting married!" You turned on your heel and went into the bathroom. You took a deep breath and splashed your face with water. "Maybe it's nothing." You stated placing on the clothing. You looked into the mirror and noticed it showed a bit of your collarbone. "Mina! I can't wear this!"

"Why not?!"

"I just can't!"

"You look great! I swear you will!"

"Th-thats not it." You opened the door and showed her your collarbone. "What's the issu-" She was cut short when she saw what was there. 'Worthless - I.M' was what was carved. "H-how- When-" You looked away and flopped on your bed. "I'll tell you, but please don't tell the others. I'll tell them when I'm ready."

She nodded your head. "Great, let me brush my teeth first."

After you had taken a few moments to yourself, you decided to just finish freshening up and walked back to Mina, who was sorting through shades of foundation. "Are you sure you want to tell me?" She asked. "Yes, I'll start from the beginning-"


"Hey, how'd it go?" You asked your boyfriend. "Went fine," he rolled his eyes and his smelt of alcohol. "Those guys weren't up for it, so now we've gotta find a way to beat them." He crumpled onto the couch beside you and wrapped a hand around your waist. You snuggled closer, "Well, I'm sure we can win! After all, I'm the manager and I can set us up a good time and make sure everything is working. I'm also sure I could bring in a few extra lights to make us shine!" You giggled. Midoriya unwrapped his arm and turned to face you, "You're right, you are the manager. You can make us win." You looked at him confused, "You mean, rig the votes? I can't do that."

"And why the fuck not?!" That was the first time he had lashed out and cussed at you. "Because! That's cheating and cheaters are worthless!" You said back, your voice getting louder. "They are, are they? I'll show you worthless!" He stomped into the kitchen and pulled a knife from the holder. "Put that down! You're going to hurt one of us!" He came at you, "That's the point!" You jerked backwards and hit his arm. "You're not drinking anymore!" You shouted, and moved to the side as he swung the knife at you. "I'll do whatever the hell I want!" He cursed. He managed to grab your arm and he threw you to the floor. You coughed as the air left your body. Midoriya placed his weight on you and brought the knife to your collarbone. "Worthless is for cheaters, you said! I'll fucking show you worthless!" Your eyes poured tears as you tried to shove and kick him off you; however, he was much stronger and didn't budge an inch. The sharp sting of the knife had made you momentarily stop your actions. "Wh- what are you doing?!" You shouted, now trying to push the knife away from you. In return, he took his free hand and grabbed both of yours, pinning them above your head. "Stop moving! I'm showing you worthless!" He shouted, pushing harder on the knife. You were helpless, you couldn't move your legs from under his weight, and now your arms were stuck. The stinging felt immense and a burn feel slowly began to cover the cut area. A few seconds passed by and he flung the knife to the side, making it stick into the wall. He then began to laugh and climbed off you. You scrambled up right and hugged your knees. "That's what being worthless is. Cheaters just make exceptions to show they know how to win." Midoriya hiccuped and layed down on the couch.

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