chapter 2

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*Bling Ring* The alarm shut off and I opened my eyes. "Morning sleepyhead! It's about time to head out, we have like ten minutes total to get ready." Mina said while she grabbed a change of clothes. You shot up and rushed over to your bag by the door. "Why didn't you set the alarm for sooner?! Now I'm not going to be ready in enough time!" You dug through your clothes until you found a shirt, jeans, and some socks. "I figured you'd want to sleep and not get up at five, Silly. Ten minutes is enough time to get the basics done." She countered, changing her clothes. You dig further in your f/c (favorite color) n/b (name brand) bag until you found your perfume/spray, deodorant, toothbrush, toothpaste, and a hair brush. You grumbled slightly and quickly changed, Mina was already doing her needs at the sink, so you brushed your hair, put on the perfume/spray, and deodorant. "Okay, I'm all ready. I'm sure the guys have been ready. I'll see you soon okay?" Mina said, enveloping you in a hug. You quickly hugged back, "Alright. Make sure to give the guys trouble," You laughed, "and I'll see you soon as well. Ground Zero will do great tonight. You guys are usually always better than Uravity anyway." Mina smiled and shook her head, "Only because I'm the best manager at things." She smuggly said in a playful manner. You laughed again and she headed out of the door to get on the tour bus with her band.

After finishing up, the two of you headed out the door with your belongings and walked to the bus with your band's name written on the side in bubble letters. "Hey guys, ready to head out shortly? It shouldn't take long for me to get things ready." You say to the people on the bus as you stepped on. The quiet male in the driver's seat nodded at you. The driver, Todoroki, has always been fairly quiet. He's usually the back up singer and drum player. 'The best of the best,' you thought as you placed your things in the small compartment a top your bed. "Good morning, Y/n! It's good to see you got a good night's rest!" Your second favorite person, Iida, said having no clue of the events earlier yesterday. Iida usually is very strict and hard working in the band, though, he can get a bit crazy while he plays the guitar. "Yeah, I slept a bit late, actually." You sheepishly said, "You ready to go all out for tonight? We've gotta just go for it. I've already made sure that everything will, or at least should, be in working order, but I'll double check when we get to the stadium." I tell him and he nods. "Hey, Asui, ready for your solo?" I asked the greenette. She turned to look at me, "Of course, Kero." Her words seemed dull, but you knew this is just how she was. She never spoke much anyway. Only when she was needed as a comfort, or when she was proving a point. You beamed, "That's great!" You stalled on walking to the second half of the bus. 'here goes nothing then.' you said to yourself. You smile faltered for a second, not wanting to let the others know, your face brightened back up. You pulled the purple curtains to the side and stepped into the second half. "Midoriya, are you ready for tonight. Make sure to warm up before on the way there." You instructed him. In all honesty, you just wanted to forget the events and pretend everything was still as it was. He glared up at you, away from his phone. "Don't talk to me, Whore." He then directed his undivided attention back to his phone. You rolled your eyes and tried to find your Ex-Best Friend, Uraraka. You found her when she walked out of the small bathroom. "Uraraka," you smiled fakely, "Make sure not to get nervous and mess up the piano part to Asui's solo." She looked at you in shock, but it lasted for a second before her face turned into a snarl, "Yeah, whatever. It's not like you even know how to play one." She walked past you, bumping shoulders with yours. "Hey, Baby. Come cuddle with me." You heard Midoriya say. You turned and saw Uraraka walk over to him. You failed to notice how she was very hesitant. "That's more like it." He said, wrapping an arm around her waist as she sat down. You scoffed and made a gag sound.

"Okay, I think we should stop here for a few snacks." I say to Todoroki. He slowed the bus and pulled into the small gas station. "Alright guys, grab some money and grab a few items." I say to the whole bus, stepping off. I walked into the small store and walked to the chip aisle. "What to get.." You thought as you gazed at the various options. "Oh my God..." You looked to your left and saw two girls gazing at Midoriya as he entered the store with Uraraka. "It really is him!!" they shouted and rushed over to him. "Can I have a picture?! What about an autograph! Oh! I know! I want a video so people believe me!' The light skinned female said and her dark skinned friend nodded. Putting up his fake facade, he smiled and stuttered, "G-girls please. O-one at a t-time." He gushed at them. "How about we do all three..?" You scoffed and continued to look at the chips before deciding on c/f (chip flavor). You grabbed the bag and walked over to the candy isle. You grabbed your favorite and you headed over to the drink section to finish off your small snack. "Trinity! Look!" Said the darker girl as she vigorously pointed out of the big window. Another bus had pulled up alongside the bus you rode in. "Getting to see my two favorite singers in one day?! What a day!!" They both cheered and dashed out of the glass door to meet the band. You placed your three items on the counter. "Will that be all, Miss/Sir?" The male behind the counter asked. "Yes." You tell him with a smile. He smiled back, face a tad bit red. "Your total is five-forty seven." He says. You reach into your pocket and pull out a five and a one. "Your change is fifty-three cents. Would you like your receipt?" You grabbed the bag, "Yes please." He nodded and grabbed the receipt from the machine. "Come again." He said and you waved goodbye. "Y/n!!" Dark arms wrapped themselves around you, "I missed you!" Mina squealed in your ear. "Mina, I literally saw you six hours ago." You playfully rolled your eyes and hugged her back. "Six hours to long!" She then placed a hand to her mouth and whispered, "Do Iida, Asui, or Todoroki know yet?" She asked. You shook your head, "No, I'm not sure how to tell them. It's probably best to just say we broke up and now he and Uraraka are together." Mina seemed to think before giving a reply, "Okay.... As long as you are sure you are fine." She smiled meekly. "Well, I'm going in for a snack." You nodded at her and she walked off. You noticed that Bakugo never got off of the bus, so you decided to let yourself on the bus that has 'Ground Zero' written on the side in sharp letters. "Knock knock. I'm letting myself on." You say and walk up the three steps. "What is it, Dumbass." The ash blonde grumbled while he scrolled through his phone. "Don't you want any snacks?" You asked him. You never really bothered to notice how he's changed over the several years you known him. Before, he had no piercings or tattoos, now he has snake bites, a left brow piercing, a grenade with a skull etched in the design tattoo on his right upper arm, and he also had a lip piercing that went around the centre of his bottom lip. You were also fairly certain he had a tattoo going across his shoulder blades. "No, I'm not hungry." He responded, attitude never changing. "Alright. I was just coming to check up on you." You say getting ready to turn away from Bakugo. "He hasn't hit you again, has he?" He hushly asked, grabbing your wrist. You stopped in your tracks and faced him again. "No, he hasn't. He's just being snobby when the other three aren't around." You responded. The warm hand left your wrist, "If he does, let me know." He mumbled. You smiled at him. "Of course." You walked back off the bus. "Y/n." A voice called to you, it sounded like a hushed yell, almost as if the person only wanted your attention. You turned to your right, there she stood. Brown bangs pinned back by blue hairpins, light blue shirt, black jeans, black shoes, and her face seemed less bubbly. You glared at Uraraka and turned your head. "Y/n! Please! I just need to talk to you!" She quickly said as you had begun to walk back to the tour bus. "I have nothing to say to you, Uraraka." The truth is, you really wanted to talk to her like old times, laugh with her over the silliest things, but no, things would never be the same. After all, she had done the do with your boyfriend when you were together. Now the two of them are together and you are left to wonder why they hated you both so much, to the extent of hurting you so badly. You may have taken it differently if the two had sat down with you over a talk, and not just jump on one another like a bunch of horny dogs.

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