chapter 3

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Mina squealed and scribbled on her board, "Alright! Let's let the others know you quit!!" You still held a small smile on your gentle features, "Maybe I should cover this up first..? I don't want to worry the others." Mina chuckled. "Okay, fine. But you're going to have to tell them sooner or later." You placed a hand on your neck and gently rubbed your fingers over it. "Hey! We could let Jiro put makeup on you! She knows how to wing her eyeliner well!"

"I'm not that good, but if you want, I'm sure a nice baby blue would work on you!" Your smile grew more as you saw what the females were trying to do, "I don't know, I think blue would look great on Bakugo." You giggled as the male scowled at you, "You better fuckin' not." He grumbled and sat down in the red chair he was in earlier. "Alright, I guess Jiro could pamper me up."

After Jiro had helped you cover up the bruises, she placed on the blue and some mascara. "I'm back!" Mina called stepping through the door. "Hey, Mina." You said, "What did everyone say?"

"The other managers didn't really care, now Deku on the other hand, he uh..." she paused, "His facade started to break and he had to leave the room. But Todoroki was happy to take on the manager role!"

"Great. I think I'll go get my stuff then." You say as you walk over to the door. "Not so fast you damn nerd." You hear Bakugo say. Then a rustle of a seat. "I'll go with you." You blushed and looked down, "T-thats alright! I should be fine on my own." You turn around and open the door. "I'm coming with you, whether you like it or not!" He said, nearly shouting as he followed you. You laughed a little, "Catch me if you can!" You started to run to the elevator. Somehow you beat Bakugo to the elevator and smashed the button. You placed both hands at the top of your head, wiggled your figures, and blew a raspberry at him. "See you later!" You called as the doors closed. "You get ba-" You heard before he was shut off. You laughed. "One point for me!" You called to no one in particular. When the doors opened, you walked out to the main area. You saw groups gathered of different bands, one stood out the most and you quickly tried to make it out of the door before they noticed you. "Y/n!!" You cringed and kept walking. Out the doors; you were. You breathed out a sigh and took a deep breath of the fresh, calm air. The sun was still high overhead, but it felt cool, the wind was warm, but carried a chill with it, and the birds were chirping. You walked over to the Uravity bus, which was parked further down than the rest, and walked on. "Let's see, all my stuff should be-" you cut yourself off as you saw all of your belongings as you had left them. You began to place each item in your suitcase. "How fucking dare you?!" You jumped and quickly turned around. "S-stay away from me!" You yelled. You stepped back, holding up your hands in the process. "You don't get to just walk away! You know how bad this looks on us?!? I'm going to beat the absolute shit out of you!!" Midoriya yelled and came after you. Thankfully, though painfully, you fell back and he tripped over you. You quickly scurried to your feet and ran out of the small door. Unfortunately for you, you missed the last step and fell on your hands, face, and knees. "Stupid bitch!" Tears came to your eyes and you turned around. Midoriya stood there; anger showed through his every aspect. "Such a dumb bitch," he laughed, "You can't just up and leave, oh no. And unfortunately for you, it's just you and me out here." He placed his foot down on your shin and stood over you. "I wouldn't scream if I were you." Your eyes were wide as you struggled to gain your leg back. "Get away! You can't do this to me anymore!" You screamed, suddenly you abruptly stopped and stinging made its way across your bruise. You gawked and more tears fell. He made a fist and brought it back. Hurriedly, you covered your face with your hands. "Best get ready to be unconscious!" He menacly laughed, throwing his hand down; however, you never got hit and instead weight was taken off your leg. "How about you beat me instead, Deku!" You uncovered your face and scrambled to your feet. "Stay the hell away from them!" Bakugo shouted at Midoriya, who was charging back at him. "Why don't you mind your own fucking business?!"

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