Chapter 6 Brused Side

Start from the beginning

"here," I say gently he tilts his head at me like I'm some alien creature he looks like a puppy while doing it I just want to ruffle his hair in my hand like he's a puppy as well he then looks to his hand where the waffles sit then he looks back up ant me then down again like he couldn't believe I gave him my waffles "thank you" I hear him say softly. That's the first time I have heard him talk I smile "no problem" I say back he gives me a smile then starts walking off to where his brothers are waiting when they leave noise comes back and I look to the gang to see the shock on their face "I can't believe you just done that, are you trying to get yourself killed" Chloe mutters to me while we walk to class since the bell rung. We walked to English to my surprise the trip had with us I liked at them to see them eating the waffles while talking to each other well Greyson wasn't I sat down on the row in front of them next to the window.

The teacher walks in I so hope to god she doesn't make me-

"Miss Smith come introduce yourself." I grone then stand up" names Ava, 17, that's all" I say sitting down again while people snicker especially Chloe and the people behind me, at the angry face she has oh god I'm so screwed this year.

My lessons fly since I didn't pick a technology I just had a free period then history. Now it was lunch and that's where I find myself in the lunch queue waiting to get something I've been here for 10 minutes and am sick I just walk out the queue and to the table"you get nothing? " " line was taking forever I gave up"I whine stretching my muscles we talk I find it easy to talk to them

"I've got to use the bathroom be back whenever," I say grabbing my bag and walking out I didn't need the bathroom I was just so hungry I walk down a hallway to the vending machine I passed when I actually went to the bathroom I looked through the options but found nothing ingesting to eat I turn around about to go back but I hit something hard and stumble back I nearly fall but I feel two hands grab both my wrists and hoist me up till I'm on my feet.

I look up to find, Greyson? He looks at me with deep concerned eyes

"Sorry, are you okay?" he said and asked me I could literally feel his voice going through me it sounded so powerful yet soft and caring

"um, yea thanks" I say to him. He doesn't answer that's when I notice he hasn't removed his hands and his eyes are focused on the bruise on my arm that has turned a greenish blueish purple and takes up my full upper arm and elbow

"your hurt," he states pulling my injured arm into his hands and softly running his finger over it like it's a ghost

"yea I fell out of bed," I say embarrassed "you should be careful," he said to me looking into my eyes

"oh um I'm clumsy" he just nodded and continued to look at the bruise until he dropped my arm "hungry?" he asked me "um how did you-" "I saw you leave the line and you're at the vending machine. I recommend those they are the best out of them all" he said pointing to chips, chocolate and soda" oh thanks "I say turning around and putting in my money and the codes for the food I pick them all up. I go to walk away but he pulls on my arm like I did his I look at him with question in my eye" would you um mind uh sitting with me? " I look at his face to see his cheeks are red and flushed I silently nod" wait does that mean you do mind or you don't because a nod could mean both. Or either. Or neither. So you do mind sitting with me?. Or you don't. You know I have a theory that you shouldn't nod if someone asks you if you mind because I think if you nod it means you do mind it's like when I wanted a puppy. He was a stray and I asked ma if she minded but she nodded so I thought she meant she did mind so I left the puppy outside I missed that puppy. I wonder where it is. Another thing-"I put my hand over his mouth to stop him. It was so cute. His rambling is so cute. All of him is so cute. He looks up at me his eyes wide and a blush forming on his cheeks" I don't mind "I softly say as I retract my hand" oh-h okay" and then he pulls me to the closest bench and sits me down he then pulls out a container from his bag I just noticed he had and opens it and gives me a sandwich "what's this?" "a sandwich my ma made it it's weird but I think you'll like it "he says grabbing one for himself" no I mean what kind? " " oh it's salad with leek cream cheese and chicken "yup that does sound weird" up thank you " " it's no problem I don't want you to be hungry " aw he's so sweet" and you gave me waffles so I want to return the favor " oh that's nice of him and sweet I dig in while he also digs in the food isn't that bad I talk to him while I eat he doesn't seem like a talker but he's a good listener I feel like I could talk to him forever.

After lunch I go back to my lessons I tell Chloe who wouldn't stop asking about why I took so long I told her the truth and she just nodded and said she understood why I never mentioned being hungry since people especially girls judge you.

After school me and Chloe arrive at tryouts she's trying out for cheer and I'm trying out for soccer we change but since cheer is after soccer she said she'd support me while I try out.

After tryouts she somehow convinced me to try our for cheer as well since she told me we can do multiple sports. So I ended up trying out for cheer then she dragged me to track she wanted to make sure I got to do something so I ended up trying out for three things while walking back I revived a message from Aunt Mary telling me she can't pick me up and to see if a friend would give me a ride

"hey, Chloe could you give me a ride home?"


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