He awoke to the sunrise bathing his face in light. He could hear around him seagulls flying overhead and waved crashing against the nearby shore. His eyes shot open as he realized, he could hear again. He sat up in surprise, but realized something was off. As he lifted his head from the pillow, the ear that was pressed against it still sounded muffled. He went to touch it, and felt the dried blood from the day before. He snapped his finger, and heard nothing. He tried the same on the other ear, and heard the snap. He did this, over and over again, waking the sleeping Mumbo off to the side. He got up and walked over to Grian, who looked up at him in fear.

        "My ear... I can't... I can only hear one..." He spoke sadly as he looked at his friend. "What happened? Why am I...?" 

        "There was an explosion. It... blew up the entire shopping district. And I guess you were right next to the blast. I mean, it was so loud, everyone on the server heard it." Mumbo explained, but Grian was still confused.

        "But...But why am I in here?" He asked, but was answered by a new voice.

        "Because you did it." Doc entered the store, arms crossed and looking angry. 

        "We don't know that, Doc!" Mumbo tried, but he scoffed in response.

        "Don't we?! You're telling me that somehow, the entire shopping district explodes, and the only person anywhere near it is the guy who owns the one store not affected and already is affiliated with tnt? There's no way he didn't do it." 

        "But I-" Grian tried but was cut off.

        "Save it. We'll find out what happened once Impulse finds a way to repair the cameras from Cherry. Then, we can see what we all know, that Grian sabotaged everyone for his own personal gain." Doc mused as he turned and left. Grian sat speechless before looking over at Mumbo.

        "You don't think I did it, do you?" He asked, and Mumbo took a deep breath.

        "I... I don't know what to think. I really don't want it to be true, but I just... I just don't know." 

        "Mumbo, I didn't-"

        "Please, Grian. Don't. Once the cameras are fixed, we'll find out what really happened, and hopefully, we will see that you were just an innocent bystander. But until then..." He trailed off as Grian sunk back into his bed. He pressed his face into the pillow and wept, not knowing what else to do. The whole server hated him, even Mumbo, his best friend. And to top it all off, he was deaf in one ear. He continued to cry until finally, Impulse, Xisuma, and Doc all entered the shop. Impulse held a very broken camera, a cord running from it into a computer that Xisuma held. They walked over to Mumbo, who looked at them nervously.

        "We have the footage from the day. We haven't seen it yet, thought we would watch it together." X stated. Mumbo nodded, and with the computer in Grian's sight, they started the video. It showed him walking into Sahara, and after a little while, they saw the explosion. Just as the camera began to short out though, it caught one last thing. There, standing at the edge of the crater, stood a familiar, bearded figure. He ran from the crater, flint and steel in hand, and escaped just as the camera broke. 

        "TFC? Why would he have done this?" Doc asked, but Mumbo shook his head.

        "I don't know, but it clearly wasn't Grian, so can we let him out now?" He asked, and Grian stood.

        "Of course." X replied, taking out a pickaxe and breaking the bars. Grian stepped out slowly, standing in front of his friends nervously. "I'll go talk to TFC." he added, and Impulse nodded along as he followed him out of the door. Now, Doc looked at his feet. 

        "Grian, I... Look, you can see how I could have jumped to those conclusions and..."

        "Listen, what happened, happened. Let's just try to get past it instead of dwell on it. Please." Grian stated, and Doc nodded in agreement. 

  A few days went by, and everyone started rebuilding their shops. Turns out, TFC was just trying to make a new area of his bunker, but put the tnt a bit too close to the surface. He had stayed away from Sahara, assuming it had a ton of redstone under it, hence why it was the only thing saved. Grian still couldn't hear out of his left ear, but at least everyone on the server trusted him again. He helped a lot of them rebuild, until finally, the shopping district and the server was back to normal. 

Ayy I'm back! Kinda. And with a happy ending too! I hope you enjoyed this one! It ended up way longer than I meant it to, but that's fine! There should hopefully be more to come, as I still have a ton of requests to do, but I'll get to those when I get to em. Anyway, thank you for reading, I hope you have a good day/night, and you are loved.

PS. AHH the entire "An Old Friend" series is super close to hitting 30k reads! That's insane! 


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