Chapter 2: Remote Disease

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My lips pressed against each other as I stepped out of the elevator and looked around the fifth floor. Immediately I knew what Paul meant, as all the walls for this floor were painted red. I passed through a set of wide glass doors, and stopped at a white curved reception desk. Red and white leather chairs sat across from it.

"Yes, Miss?" The first person I'd seen who looked close to my age looked up from her seat at the receptionist's desk. Her blonde hair was pulled back in a ponytail and clear blue eyes blinked at me with disinterest.

"Hi, I'm here for..." I pulled out my phone and opened Dr. Williams' email. "...Dr. McKenna."

"Your name?" Her monotone voice reflected the unenthusiasm in her eyes.

"Maggie- err Margaret Stevens."

"Have a seat there." She nodded at the chairs behind me. "I'll page him."

As I sat gingerly on the edge of a red leather seat, I leaned forwards and glanced around. There wasn't much to see except a long corridor was lined with white cubicles. I couldn't help but wonder where it led.

Is this the lab?

Mentally, I itched to see it. Just as a slight strain pinched my neck, the glass doors burst open and two people in white coats passed by me with coffee cups in their hands.

"It is just not humanly possible, Adam you wanker," a girl with perfectly almond-shaped eyes and long black hair swept back in a ponytail said in an animated voice. "Animals can't get it."

"It's true Amy, I read online that -" The boy, with dark brown hair, including his facial hair, and brown eyes hidden behind a pair of silver-rimmed glasses.

"- Because the internet is such a reputable source. God Adam, just be a fucking scientist for once in your life!"

Ha, fooking.

They both seemed to realize that they held this discussion in front of an audience, and turned slowly towards me. I forced an awkward smile and a twitch appeared in my knee.

"Hey eavesdropper. You are -" Adam started when Amy elbowed him in the stomach.

"Don't mind him, Adam has zero manners. Hi, I'm Amy."

"Margaret, but call me Maggie." I gingerly shook the hand she extended, which felt warm and inviting.

Her eyes widened. "You're.. the new team member?"

I nodded silently and shifted uncomfortably in my seat.

"We have a new team member?" Adam asked as he also shook my hand, a lot rougher than his colleague.

Amy nodded, followed by a shake of her head. "Yes. If you would pay attention in our staff meetings, then you'd know this."

"We must be getting really old," Adam's comment resulted in another elbow jab in the ribs from Amy. "Is this what they look like coming out of grad school now?"

"I'm still at UCL," I offered.

"Again, ignore him. Welcome." As Amy smiled brightly, a sparkle popped in her dark eyes.

"I see the introductions have started without me." A tall, thin man with a full beard and bifocals who I recognized immediately now leaned against the curved white desk. "Late to the party again, it appears."

"Dr. McKenna." I stood up off my seat.

He shook my hand warmly. "Well you met Amy and Adam, this over here." He pointed behind the desk. "Who you've probably also already met, is Kelsey. I think she's closest to your age." A small hand waved from behind her computer screen.

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