Chapter Two - Jealousy

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Jack’s POV

My alarm went off and my eyes opened. “Fuck off you piece of shit.” I pushed the clock off the table and it returned to its silent self. “JACK WOULD YOU STOP SMASHING YOUR CLOCK ON THE FLOOR PLEASE!” My dad’s voice bellowed down the corridor. Some days I wish he’d shut up. I sat up in my bed and wandered into the bathroom. Looking into the mirror at myself was always a thing I hated to have to do in the morning. I found myself repulsive and ugly. Nobody would ever want me. I never found myself attracted to girls or boys. It was just a thing that I’m confused about since I have never experienced love. I had a shower, and got into my clothes for the long school day ahead. I brushed my hair into its normal pathetic state and grabbed my bag and headed out the door.

As I was heading out the door, I noticed the new kid Alex heading out at the same time as me. I smirked. I liked new kids, especially this one. He seemed different and there was something about Alex that I couldn’t quite put my finger on. His mum kissed him goodbye and as she did so I shouted him. “ALEX!” I waved and ran over to his lawn. Alex smiled at me and introduced me to his mum. “Mum this is Jack. He was the kid that spoke to me from the window yesterday.” I smiled up towards his mum, greeting her with a handshake. “Well you two have fun at school, and Jack please make sure my Alex finds his way around okay.”

“I will don’t worry Miss!”

On the way to school I found myself trying to look at Alex a lot more than I was expecting to. I don’t know why but everything about him I was finding somewhat, attractive? No Jack, you are straight not gay! “What’s it like at Baltimore then?” I smirked, looking across to Alex who looked at me. Those eyes of his were kind of hypnotizing. “Its cool. There’s a few groups of jocks around but you get used to them.”

“Oh right.” We walked along in silence. “Any nice girls?” When Alex said that, for some reason my heart kind of sunk. “Not really. Well in my eyes there aren’t any good-looking girls.” Alex sighed. “What’s up?”

“I just want to be loved by someone that’s all really.” I nudged him. “I’m sure there will be someone here that can love you dude.” He smiled at me, causing me to feel a bit flustered.


Alex’s POV

Jack seemed a nice kid and I was kind of feeling a grudge on asking him if he’d ever been in a relationship with anybody. “Were nearly there it’s just around the corner dude.” As soon as we turned the corner, there was this girl there. She had long blonde hair and gorgeous bloody eyes. “Uhhhhh.” I stopped dead in my tracks. “Alex? What’s up man?” I nodded my head towards the girl that was in front of us. “Oh god you’re not falling for her are you!”

“Why not?!”

“She’s practically the most popular girl in the school dude! Nobody ever has a chance with her.” She looked over at me and smiled and began to walk over. “Holy shit dude how did you get her to come over here?”

“Hey boys.”

“H-h-hey…” If I could float in mid-air right now I would. I felt out of this world while looking at her. “My names Lisa. What’s yours?”

“His name is-“

“Jack shut the hell up. He can speak himself!”

“My names A-A-Alex. I just moved here.”

“Cute.” She giggled sending me head over heels. “If you need any help I’ll always be here for you.” She handed her number to me on a piece of paper and skipped off. My hand was in mid-air. I was frozen. “Dude you just got her number. How the fuck did you even do that!”

“I don’t know dude. I don’t know.”

“I hate her so fucking much. Please just don’t get with her.”

“Dude I’ll get with her if I want to.” I could tell Jack was getting a bit jealous so I decided to lay off it for now.

First day of school was alright and when walking out to meet Jack I saw Lisa out the corner of my eye. I ran over to her. “Hey Lisa!”

“Hey Alex! I was just looking for you. I was wondering about something.”


“Would you like to be my boyfriend?” Did she seriously just say that? Boyfriend! “Yeah sure. Sure!” She leant forward and kissed me and took hold of my hand. “Want to come to mine for dinner?”

“Yeah I’d love to! Just let me ask my mum and tell Jack.” I rang up my mum. “Hey mum I’ve kind of got a girlfriend.”

“Oh wow already? You go son!”

“Yeah her names Lisa. Can I go over hers tonight for dinner? I’ll be back home once its over.”


“Thanks mum!” I turned to Lisa who was still holding my hand. “I’m allowed I just need to go tell Jack.”


“Yeah Jack, is that okay?”

“I think you should just forget about Jack for now.” She put her hand up to my cheek and kissed me. “Em okay…”


Jack’s POV

I’d been waiting outside of school for 30 minutes now. “Where the fuck is he!” I started walking home, faster than usual and then I spot him holding hands with Lisa in front of me. “OI ALEX. WHAT HAPPENED TO WAITING FOR ME?!”

“Oh shit.”


“Jack I can explain.”

“Jack why don’t you go fuck off somewhere else your a lanky piece of shit. You don’t even deserve to be alive.” I felt the tears well up in my eyes. I ran off down to the one place I knew nobody else knew about. I ran through the trees in the forest, and sat on the stonewall opposite the river. I sat sobbing to myself.

Alex’s POV

“Who the actual fuck do you think you are speaking to Jack like that? I don’t even want to know you anymore!” I let go of Lisa’s hand and she snatched it back and pulled me round. She kissed me and I pushed her away. “Alex please I’m sorry!”

“Sorry isn’t enough!!” I ran off down the way Jack had went hoping he hadn’t gone and done something stupid. I hope he hadn’t… 

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