The restront

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You all arive at the restront but no one has seen it as yoou told them all to look down before they get out the limos and only you know what it looks like and you want it to be a surprise you an ondreaz are the last out of the. Limo ad you stand them all in a like and say "go on guys look up" they all looked shocked u all walk in and you. Resets a hell of a lot of tables for you all and you show them your table and you let them pick with they sit with and toy your surprise you see tony, ondreaz, nick, Ryland sit on a table together and realize there's is one seat left and u sit there and every one else sits with who they want to sit with you all order food but due to the prefer being so long they said it will take awhile and you was fine with that.

U:it has bee ages since i have sat down with the people i care about and have a meal here

As yoou say that you get tears in your eyes and Ryland and Nick notices and and hug you

U: thanks boys

They sit back down and u feel a cold hand touch ur hand and u look at Ondreaz and just smiles you bth end up holding hands even though you hands are on the table and everyone looks over.

Jack, James, Dixie,Charli,Avani, Addison, Thomas, Larray, Alex, Kover, Chase, Nick and Ryland all say: awww cute

You and ondreaz just smile, and they look at tony who is just smiling and has known since this morning and know what they are going to say and he just nods

All: is this y u invited us all to diner to tell us about and Ondreaz

U: that's not the only reason but yes

They look and notice you look down and they dont question thee only people that question are nick and Ryland and you just nod

Nick and Ryland asked "is this the day mum disaperd an u kicked dad out two yard ago" they also look down and everyone gets confused and then put everything together as you, Nick and Ryland are looking down and they all cheer yo up.

It has been half an hour since you order food and then it all arives you all begin to eat untill u notice Ryland is gong to cry so you go strait to him and hugs him

U: Ryland its ok
Ryland: i know I just hurts
U: i know me and Nick feel the same pain

Ryland calms down and you go back to your seat and begin to eat and one u all finish u notice nick berring his head in his hoody and u deside to say "group hug" u are obviously hugging nick and Ryland and everyone goes from that and it chears u, nick and Ryland up once the bill arive and you realize that is it $879.80 u pay for it and go back to the limo and go home once you get home you go star agh the to you room and cry's Ondreaz notices and hugs you

Ondreaz: is it 2 years today when ur mum dissapered and you kicked you dad out


Ondreaz: is that why nick and Ryland was crying

U: ye

You eventually calm down and you go downstairs with ondreaz and realize thats y tony nodded as they was going to ask movie night

Nick sits next to chase and chase is helping him cope and Ryland is sat next to tony as he helping him cope so you sit next to ondreaz

U text chase


You: chase thanks for helping nick cope
Chase: its ok u need the help as you cant do it on your own

You then text tony

Tonyy :)
You: hey thanks for helping Ryland cope
Tony: its ok you need the help as you cant do it alone

Y all watch the movie and u notice that the only ones asleep are Nick and Ryland

U: chase can you carry nick to bed please and tony can you carry ryland to bed please

Chase and tony: ye sure
Chase Carrie nick to bed and tony carries Ryland to bed and every one else goes to bed including you and ondreaz

Sorry for bad spelling
Word count

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