Quinn and Madison gave us strange looks so I turned to Paige who had a guilty look on her face. "You didn't tell them?"

She shrugged, "we're trying to keep it low key you know."

I rose a brow at her, "they're your best friends so if anything they need to know."

"Tell us what?" Maddie gave us a questioning look.

She sighed, "fine I'll tell them." She turned to Maddy and Quinn before downloading the whole story about her and Zayn to them.

I sat there, shoving popcorn into my face and laughing at their facial expressions. They looked shocked then happy then sad before their faces lit up again.

"That's a lot, I wonder what's going to happen if Ky finds out," Quinn finally said.

"But not to worry, we're your best friends and we're at your service until you're ready to tell him or until he finds out," Maddie said with a nod.

I nodded in agreement, flashing Paige a smile, "now can we get back to the movie before I finish all this popcorn?"

"Hey!" Quinn snatched the bowl from me and I pouted.

"Speaking of boys, Quinn what about Devin?" Paige wiggled her eyes suggestively.

"Is tonight confession night?" Maddy asked with a confused look on her face.

"Might as well make it," Paige smiled.

"Wait, did you say Quinn and Devin?" The words but sank in.

"Yeah, you didn't notice?" Paige rose a questioning brow at me, "and he's your best friend?"

"Hey, hey. I didn't notice and he didn't tell me anything." I rose my hands up in mock surrender.

Quinn was blushing as we all fixed our gazes on her waiting for her to speak. She groaned, "nothing is going on, we talk sometimes but he hardly notices me like I want him to." She picked on a loose thread of her jeans twirling it around her finger.

Madison reached over to her and pulled her into a hug. Quinn was sad and I could see it in her eyes that she actually liked him but Devin never gave her the attention she wanted and it was my fault. I couldn't tell her that, she may hate me.

I know he notices her and he has talked to me about her sometimes but in a friendly way, "he notices you." I reassured her and her face lit up.

"You just have to make him see what he doesn't see in you," Paige spoke and we all nodded.

"He's coming over tonight right?" Madison asked me and I nodded yes.

Quinn smiled, "I guess I have to put on my girl charm."

We all laughed.

Madison turned to me, "what about you girl, how's it going with Jasper? You two are really heating things up."

I shrugged, "We're just there, I don't know if the appropriate term for him is boyfriend. I mean we hang out a lot and all that but I really don't know if it's a real relationship or we're just messing around."

"Oh shush, you just haven't made it official," Paige bumped her shoulder with mine.

"Does the tag even matter, you already know how he feels about you and he knows how you feel about him," Maddy spoke up.

"I think it does matter, you can't just go around kissing and making out without even knowing what you guys are to each other, you have to know what he sees you as, either a girlfriend or as friends with benefits so you'll know where your priorities are and how to hold your heart so it won't get hurt." Quinn reasoned out.

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