Break Up

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Ariana's pov~

"Who is it" Pete asked, he looked like he wanted to cry.

Right now I'm breaking up with Pete, it just doesn't feel right. Us, just doesn't feel right. Ever since that dream I've started to feel like it happened for a reason. Like my soulmate is Pete like I originally thought before. I just cant get her out my head and I cant help but feel guilty when I'm with Pete. It all felt so real and right now it feels like I'm cheating on her.

"Its no one Pete ok, its just" I start off but sigh. How do I explain breaking up with someone because you had a dream about someone else?

"I just, it's not working out" I finished off. Pete had tears in his eyes but a mad expression on his face. I couldnt tell what he was thinking or what his next actions were, but I did know that he isn't the one for me. I take off the ring that he put on my finger not too long ago and gave it back to him.

"Your fucking someone else aren't you" he said to me making me angry.

"Get out Pete" I said trying to stay calm.

"WHO IS HE" he yelled this time making me even more angry. It should be who is she.

"I SAID GET THE FUCK OUT" I yelled out to him. I'm not the person to yell so when I did this he immediately knew I was not joking. He turned around and opened the door, then he paused. I thought he was going to say something pr at least turn around, but all he did was shake his head and leave slamming the door behind him. I've already packed all his things last night because I couldnt go to sleep after the last time I did.

This sucks, about 7 years or more down the drain because it was all a dream. I start to cry as I walk into the bedroom and plop down on the bed. I hear a bark next to me and immediately know its Toulouse. He always knows how to comfort me in these situations but this time, its different. She was different.

Instead of crying my eyes out on the bed I decided to watch some tv. So, I turned the device on and it instantly started playing my knew favorite show.

"How could you kill her like that" Daz says to Asia. Asia just killed the girl that tried to separate them all those years.

Damn, I wished I killed her first, then maybe I'd still be with Y/n.

"Because, I love you and nothing is going to change" Asia says putting her arms around Daz's neck pulling them closer.

Y/n's pov~

We lean into the kiss and our lips touch for more then a second.

"And, CUT, that's a wrap for today so go home" the director said while everyone started grabbing their stuff to leave. I see Camila smile at be but I dont return it, I just turn around and walk off the set with my stuff in my hands.

Finally making it home I decide to go on a light jog. After changing into some workout clothes, I grab my phone, wireless headphones, and keys and make my way out the door.

Ariana's pov~

Maybe I just need to go on a walk, you know, to clear my mind.

I shake my head on the good idea and I get ready. If I'm going to go outside I cant get photos of me looking like a weirdo who cried for hours about something. So I do my makeup and change my clothes. I have a feeling I should wear sweats so I put them out with an oversized hoodie from the dangerous woman tour and head out the door with my essentials.

I've been walking on the street for and while now and decide to look on Twitter. News about Pete and I have already gotten out, I knew this would happen.

Before I can do anything else I bump into someone making them fall onto their backs and my phone to land on the street and me crushed by a car.

"No" I yell out but it was already to late, its destroyed.

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