15. The Winter Soldier

Start from the beginning

"Bucky?" Steve questioned in shock.

"Who the hell is Bucky?" the Soldier asked in reply taking out a gun and pointing it at Steve only to end up getting kicked down by Sam. The Soldier stood back up, looking a little shocked but it was only for a second before he took the gun and pointed it at Steve. Natasha had fired a missile and the Winter Soldier disappeared. The Strike team arrived and made their way to the four that had just fought the Winter Soldier. When they got there, Rumlow and another Agent ran over to Steve, telling him to get on her knees. The other Agent pointed a Sniper Rifle to his head. They heard a helicopter fly above them. Rumlow looked up then to the Agent with him. The four fugitives were put in the van.

"It was him," Steve said, looking at the floor of the van. "He looked right at me, and he didn't even know me."

"How is that possible?" Sam asked. "That was like 70 years ago."

"Zola," Lucy spoke. "Bucky's whole unit was captured in '43. Zola experimented on him. Whatever he did helped Bucky survive the fall... He must've found him."

"None of that's your fault, Lucy," Natasha said. Steve looked at Lucy who looked back down.

"Even when I had nothing, I had Bucky," Steve said not taking his eyes off the brunette. Lucy had a look of pain on her face as she rested her head back on the wall. Sam noticed the blood from her shoulder seeping through her shirt and jacket.

"We need to get a doctor here," he said to the two soldiers in the van with them. "If we don't put pressure on her wound she's going to bleed out here in the truck." The soldier on the left took out the taser which made Sam keep quiet. They then knocked the other soldier out before taking their helmet off revealing Agent Hill. The four looked at her.

"Ow, that thing was squeezing my brain," she said looking at the helmet. She looked at Sam, then to Steve and Lucy.

"Who's this guy?" Hill took their handcuffs off and got all of them out of the van, bringing them to another van which she drove to an abandoned dam in the woods. Natasha and Sam explained what had happened along the way. Steve held a cloth to Lucy's wound, putting pressure on it as she laid in the seat, her head in his lap. Steve lightly stroked her hair, keeping her calm and relaxed. Maria looked in the rear view mirror while driving and saw how much Steve was caring for Lucy. Natasha looked over.

"I think I know who you have in mind," she said looking at Steve.

"Rogers if you're looking for someone to date, then you have someone right there," Maria said. Steve looked at her then Natasha.

"I don't know, Hill."

"Just think about it, Rogers." They got to the dam. Sam helped Lucy out of the van while Steve exited it behind her. Hill led the four of them inside the dam, Steve staying at Lucy's side as they walked in. A doctor ran over to them.

"GSW," Agent Hill said, "she's lost at least a pint."

"Maybe two," Sam said.

"Let me take her," the doctor said.

"She'll want to see him first," Hill said. They got to an area that had plastic curtains. Maria moved them revealing a living Nick Fury lying in a hospital bed. A heart monitor was hooked up.

"About damn time," Nick said. Lucy looked from Nick to Steve before sitting in a chair while the doctor took the bullet out of her shoulder and took care of the wound.

"Lasso rated spinal column," Nick began to say. Everyone looked at him as he spoke. "Cracked sternum. Shattered collar bone. Perforated liver. One hell of a headache."

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