35. Truth

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It was early morning when the group arrived at said safe house. The Quinjet was landed in an area behind bushes where it could be easily hidden from sight. Tony had handed Bruce a shirt before they left the jet. Everyone was quiet as they walked down a dirt path toward a farmhouse. Clint led the way, helping Natasha in the process. Lucy gave a wondrous look at her surroundings, seemingly nervous yet curious as to how Clint knew of this safe house.

"What is this place?" Thor questioned as they walked up the stairs.

"Safe house," Tony replied in a matter-of-factly.

"It's open," Clint said as he opened the door. Steve felt someone bump into him and turned to see Lucy tiredly look at him. He grabbed her hand before walking into the house, Bruce following behind the two.

The Avengers were led into the living room of the house. "Honey? I'm home." Confusion filled Lucy, her expression showing so, staying there until a woman walked into the room. "Hi. Company. Sorry I didn't call ahead."

"This is an Agent of some kind," Tony spoke earning a slight glare from Thor.

"Gentlemen. This is Laura."

Laura waved, "I.. Know all of your names." Tony waved and looked toward the doorway when running footsteps were heard. Three kids ran into the room; a boy and girl running over to Clint, the remaining child running over to Steve and Lucy. Steve showed a small smile as Clint happily kissed the two children on the forehead. Lucy looked to the boy hugging her, and ruffled the familiar golden-brown curls. The boy moved over to Steve, giving him a hug.

"These are... smaller Agents," Tony stated as he watched the scene before him.

"Did you bring Auntie Nat?" Clint's daughter questioned as he set her down. Lucy looked over to Natasha and noticed her face light up.

The red-haired woman began walking over to the young girl. "Why don't you hug her and find out." Clint laughed as Natasha picked up the happy girl.

"Sorry for barging in," Steve apologized to Laura.

"Yeah, we would've called ahead, but we were too busy having no idea you existed," Tony spoke sounding somewhat angry, but with Clint. His tone earned him a slight hit in the arm by his cousin.

"Yeah, well, Fury helped set this up when I joined," Clint replied as he held his wife and son close. "I kept it off S.H.I.E.L.D.'s files, and I'd like to keep it that way. Figured it's a good place to lay low." Clint gave Laura a hug before walking off with his son. Lucy watched as Natasha began conversing with Laura.

"How's little Natasha?" she questioned as she felt the pregnant woman's stomach.

"She's.. Nathaniel," Laura replied sounding regretful.

Natasha bent down to speak to the unborn child, "Traitor." Steve looked behind him as he watched Thor gently kick legos under a table after stepping on them. The ding of the toaster caused the three quiet Avengers to look over and see toast pop up. The God walked away and out of the house, Steve soon following as Harley let go of him. Lucy watched the two leave before looking to Harley.

"How did you get here?" she questioned causing him to smile.

"Maria brought me here," he replied. The Agent raised an eyebrow and looked to Clint.

He noticed and decided to explain, "Before we left for Wakanda, I told her of this location thinking you might want Harley someplace safe; incase Ultron where to attack the building."

"She brought me here after you all left."

Lucy sighed and gave Clint a smile, "Thanks, Clint."

"You're welcome, Lucy," the Agent replied. Laura brought the science bros and Lucy upstairs, showing them to room's where they could stay. Lucy walked over to the closet, pulled out a few clothes, and walked into the bathroom to take a shower. The warm water helped loosen her tense muscles. Stepping out of the bathroom, the Agent changed into the clothes she had pulled out before sitting on the bed as she dried her hair in thought. Steve walked into the room after getting informed by Laura which one he would be staying in. The door opening startled Lucy causing her to see who had entered. Steve stopped once he noticed her.

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