4. America's New Hope

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Steve had gotten back after chasing the man who had killed Erskine. At that moment, Lucy ran up to him checking for any physical injuries and asking how he felt. A group of men got the machine the man had tried to flee in and bring it back to a secret base in the city.  The next day Steve had gone to get his blood drawn while Lucy stayed with Howard to take a look at the machine. Colonel Phillips walked in while speaking with Senator Brandt.

"Colonel, my committee is demanding answers," the Senator said as he and the Colonel walked around the room.

"Great, why don't we start with how a German spy got a ride to my secret installation in your car," the Colonel spoke before turning to look at the Stark cousins. "What have we got here?"

"Speaking modestly, Lucy and I are the best mechanical engineers in the country, but I have no idea what's inside this thing, or how it works," Howard replied.

"We're not even close to this kind of technology," Lucy added.

"Then who is?" The Senator questioned.


"I'm sure you've been reading our briefings," Colonel Phillips said turning to the Senator.

"I'm on a number of committees, Colonel," Brandt stated to Phillips.

"Hydra is a Nazi deep science division," Peggy said as she walked over to the Colonel and Senator, Steve keeping a slight distance. "It's led by Johann Schmidt. But he has much bigger ambitions."

"Hydra's practically a cult," Phillips spoke, "They worship Schmidt. They think he's invincible."

"So what are you going to do about it?" Brandt questioned.

"I spoke with the President this morning. As of today, the S.S.R. is being re-tasked."

"Colonel?" Lucy questioned as she walked over to stand with Peggy.

"We are taking the fight to Hydra. Pack your bags, Agent Carter. You too, Mr. Stark. We're flying to London tonight." Lucy looked to the Colonel, confusion was written on her face before her eyes widened in realization. She glared at her cousin knowing he was concerned for her safety and wanted her to stay in New York.

Steve noticed for he spoke up, "Sir if you're going after Schmidt, Lucy and I want in." Lucy looked to her now six foot two friend before giving him a small smile.

"You're an experiment. You're going to Alamogordo."

"The serum worked," Lucy pointed out.

"I asked for an army, Miss Stark, and all I got was him." The Colonel looked at Steve. "You - You're not enough." Colonel Phillips walked away leaving the Senator with Steve, Lucy, and Peggy.

"With all due respects to the Colonel, I think he may be missing the point," Brandt said walking over to Steve and Lucy. "I've seen you in action, Steve. More importantly, the country's seen it. Paper." His assistant walked over and unfolded the news paper he was holding, showing it to the Super Soldier and Agent. "The enlistment lines have been around the block since your picture hit the stands. You don't take a soldier, a symbol like that, and hide him in a lab. Son, you want to serve your country on the most important battlefield of war?"

"Sir, that's all I want," Steve responded.

"Then congratulations. You just got promoted. And Miss Stark?"

"Yes, Sir?" Lucy questioned.

"You'll be with Steve, so don't worry about not having a job to do."

"Thank you, Sir." Steve found out what his job was. Perform for people in hopes of them buying war bonds. A few movie ideas were added into the bunch as a source of entertainment. Lucy was standing backstage with Jimmy, the Senators assistant who was escorting Lucy and Steve as they waited for the show to begin. This was the first performance. Steve was currently changing into the costume he was given. When he finished, he walked over to Lucy.

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