The Blossom's Part 3

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Toni was not close.

Cheryl and Veronica managed to get up four flights of stairs until two armed guards started shooting from above.

Betty was already keeping people off the lower levels and the two girls had no weapons therefore, they were very very stuck.

"What the hell do we do now?" Veronica yells over the gunfire hitting the edge stair rail.

"Toni's coming she's gonna be here" Cheryl insists, tucking her body as close to the wall as possible.

"Y'know, Red I really don't plan on dying today so let's both hope your trust is well placed" Veronica responds, sliding against the wall to get to the opening near the last staircase. "Betty!"

"Little busy, V!" the blonde yells back, her voice slightly muffled due to the distance.

"Get up here! We need a gun to get these guys out!"

She doesn't hear a response she just hears multiple stomps approaching and finally sees the cusp of Betty's hair just a few steps down.

"Here shoot shoot hurry, Edgar stuck his whole team on us!" She frantically yells, tossing the gun at Veronica who opts to pass it to Cheryl who finally, luckily, takes the shots at the gunman above them.

One. Two. Three. Of them go down, literally falling through the middle part between the spiral stairways.

"Go!" Cheryl leads, holding her weapon out ahead ready for any and every type of guard that cane their way.

Finally they reach the seventh floor and upon arrival she meets weapon to weapon with her very worried looking wife.


"Cher oh my god"

The two embrace for a moment, thanking god that the other was alive. Until of course Veronica and Betty break up the tender reunion.

"Guys this is sweet and all but y'know, everyone in this building wants to kill us so let's get the hell out" Veronica now leads, dragging them along while Toni keeps her eyes trained behind them.

"How did you get here?" Cheryl calla out to her wife as they maneuver through the seventh floor to reach the rooftop entrance.

"Chopper, Jug's flying and Sweet Pea's got a car a 20 miles out waiting to pick us up once we land" the woman explains, shooting at a too close guard.

"I knew you'd come" Cheryl sweetly let's out, forgetting their impending danger.

"Little late but I'm here, baby. Edgar called me, said if I turn myself in you'd be fine"

"That's bull"

"Yeah I know which is why I hatched this plan all by myself after I blew the house up" Toni let's slip, shooting two more rounds at the men catching up to them.

"You blew the house up?!?"

"Y'know I think this conversation is better had once were out of harms way." She pulls her wife's hand and runs faster, helping Veronica push on the roof door to get it open.

There they would find Jughead, seated at the edge of the door with a rifle in hand.

"Fire it up, Jones!" Toni demands, slamming the door shut behind them and blocking it with a rusted crowbar that was beside it.

Jughead turned the helicopter on and Cheryl settles the girl's in, all of them immediately belting up.

"And we're outta here" he announces as he pulls off the ground.

Just before they make it off the building the guards break through the door and bullets fly through the glass.

"Go go get us away from here!" Veronica orders now and Jughead can't pull away fast enough.

With the building shrinking behind them now and the bullets being way off target, the four women began to catch their breath.

"Be a secret agent they said, it'll be fun they said" Betty jokes, rubbing her head in exhaustion and the three other girls laugh.

They were lucky to make it out.

"They got.....AWAY?!" Edgar yells, pulling at Kevin's neck.

The man was the leader of the operation to take down the ratty spies and he had failed.

"I....I t-tried they just-" he struggled to speak against the tightening grip and Edgar just kept squeezing tighter like her was enjoying seeing the man squirm.

"Vanished? No, they rode away in a helicopter. One that should've been shot down by our very missiles." He finally releases Kevin, forcing the man to fall to his knees into a fit of coughs.
"The very best of our organization just turned their back on us and joined the enemy, they are now the enemy. We don't fight with civilians weapons we fight with weapons of war." Edgar explains, setting the idea into every mind of the on-lookers.

Kevin's fellow guardsmen held their heads high and listened to his every command.


"Yes sir" Reggie steps forward, holding his arms behind his back.

"I want you to ready an aerial surveillance unit. I want them found tonight."

"Right away, sir" He salutes and marches off.

This was how Edgar controller his men.

Treating them like disposable meaningless soldiers.

"Andrews" he speaks more quietly this time prompting the red headed man to approach him.

Once he did, Edgar turned to him and sweetly caressing his shoulder.

"You're my top man now. I trust you won't let me down. I need you to get every record you can on Toni Topaz and I want it in my hand in no less than half an hour am I clear?"

"Yes. I won't let you down sir"

Edgar smiles, tapping his shoulder and excusing him.

Perhaps these men felt good to be needed, a point Edgar wanted to make to Kevin.

"Now that, son is how you make the boss happy" he tells the still injured man and Kevin shakes his head, rubbing his aching throat.

He knew why Betty and Veronica left, he wished he had that same choice.

Hi guys so this is going longer just by one chapter but how did you like my little additions???

I wanted the boys to be involved because I needed some familiar faces in the upcoming battle 👉🏻👈🏻

Can't tell you yet but you will see!

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