The Blossom's part 2

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"AVA, call Cheryl" Toni commands her AI from her workshop as she tinkers with some of her inventions.

The newest being a bracelet that would tell Cheryl her exact location in the world without the possibility of someone else being able to read it.

Far too many fights for Toni disappearing off the face of the earth even though her excuses were usually very good, life threateningly good, but Cheryl didn't care.

So this should help things.

"AVA?" Toni ask's again

"Ms. Blossom doesn't seem to be available, Should I leave a message?" AVA responds and Toni pauses her work and grabs her own cellphone to do it herself.

"I got it, run a test on the prototype I want to have this done tonight so she can see it" she orders, typing in her wife's number and making another call.

Instant voicemail. Didn't even ring.

"Actually scratch that get me access to the DOA's feed I want to know what my wife is up to" she spins in her stool to face the wall of monitors which she usually used to keep an eye on their home but it came in handy for moments like this.

The snug suburban home they shared is replaced with countless images of DOA camera feed ranging from Edgar Evernever's office to the damn parking lot but the redhead was nowhere to be seen.

"Can we do a thermal scan of the building?"

"Action cannot be completed" AVA replied

"Excuse me? Why not?"

"Action cannot be- Action cannot- Action can-" the AI begins to go haywire and finally the entire room goes dark and quiet, for just a moment.

When the light's come back a new voice comes over the room.

"Topaz, I thought I would have to send a bigger search party to find you but you just made my job that much easier" Edgar teases before presenting the enemy spy with a little video footage of him stabbing Cheryl.

"You surrender yourself and she lives. Better hurry, I'm sure she's running on a time table here" his voice says with such finality before disappearing right off her screens and out of her coms.

She knows he could still be in the cameras so without another word she reaches for a pistol from her work station and shoots out anything he could've slithered his way into.

After being satisfied with her now completely destroyed tech resources, she gathers a few weapons and hurries up the stairs to enter the kitchen.

She only had a few moments left in the house before it would be crawling with DOA agents.

Agents that would see every intimate piece of domesticity that Cheryl and Toni had created here where they pretended their lives weren't completely abnormal.

So she had to make sure no one ever saw it.

With the flip of a switch and a four digit code
8-8-2-8 the bomb was set and Toni had only seven more minutes to get what she needed and get out.

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