Chapter 1

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Akiya lept over her younger sister and slammed her shield against her brother's mace, swinging it against his swing and throwing him off balance. Before she could strike back however, her younger sister had already spun around and slashed at her back forcing her to raise her sword to block the blow.

Akiya's new sword glimmered the same blue as her shield. The length of the blade was white and had cracks that dripped a dark blue liquid that vanished before it even hit the ground. The hilt was the same color as Camelia, and held the same swirlling patterns. The sword was no longer Dragoon, and instead was a part of Camelia allowing her to control it easily.

She kicked her sister away and turned back to her brother who, in the few seconds she turned away to move her sister, had adjusted his stance to sweep her legs out from under her. Akiya landed hard on her back, but managed to raise her shield to stop her brother's mace from slamming down on her chest. She slammed her foot into his knee hard enough to buckle his leg and cause him to fall forwards, nearly dropping his mace right on her head. However she kicked her foot upwards, using her momentum to roll towards her head and away from him, also kicking him in the jaw.

This time he did drop his mace for the moment to clutch at his face while the younger girl dashed backwards, sheathing her sword and drawing her bow to fire several arrows in quick succession. Akiya managed to swat two out of the air with her sword before raising her shield to block the other's as she charged at her sister.

"Stop, moving!" Akiya roared.

Mari answered only by giggling as she flipped up into the air only to land on her sister's shield as she raised it to keep blocking the arrows. Akiya swung her shield forwards tossing the girl up where she moved the shield just enough for her to slash her sword beside it, letting the blade segment into pieces connected by a chain. The whip lashed over the shield and wrapped painfully around Mari's ankle, the shards of metal digging into her boot and threatening to dig into her skin in the next moment.

Akiya spun, swinging her whip now turned mourning star with her sister attached to the end straight towards her Jurgen who had finally pulled himself together. Just as he gripped his mace and stood up, Mari was slammed into him sending them both tumbling over each other.

Jurgen pushed his sister off and the two rolled away from each other only to pick themselves up and face Akiya with a glare. "This is so stupid! What made me think this was a good idea?"

"I asked nicely." Mari offered.

"Never again!"

"Hey Ari!" Mari called, glancing over her shoulder at the nymph who was seated beside Nokiya watching the show. Or she was likely supposed to be. Instead her nose was buried in a book while Nokiya watched. "You should help us!"

Ariadne looked to Nokiya as if asking for permission, but Akiya's twin just shrugged with a smile. Aria then closed her book and hopped down into the dirt arena, leaving her book where she was sitting beside Nokiya. "Very well. I suppose I could use some practice."

Careful. We don't fight her very often. Camelia warned in Akiya's head.

She's going to control the battlefield and slow us down. Akiya answered. Though she might also be able to get up close and personal, I won't be looking forward to it.

"Hit her hard brother. We'll keep her busy." Mari grinned, stepping back again and firing more arrows.

Akiya blocked with her shield but had to dodge as Jurgen jumped forward, swinging his mace. When it connected with Akiya's shield, electricity crackled across it's surface threatening to singe off Akiya's eyebrows. She pushed him backwards and swung her sword but stumbled and nearly fell forwards as vines had wrapped around her legs, rooting her in place.

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