Chapter 11

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Stepping back, he looked around before hardening his skin and kicked the door down. Through the darkness he made out two silhouettes that soon formed into two humans as the light shown in.

Inferno and Deku,


The first thing Kirishima's eyes landed on was Midoriya but soon moved on to Inferno who had the boy in a tight head lock. Midoriya's curly hair was flattened from the hold and neglection from washing it. Bags were visible under Midoriya's eyes, but even sleep deprived, he still looked ready to fight.

"Give Deku back Inferno!"

Smiling, her grip tighten as she held Midoriya in front.

"Sorry darling, but I can't do that. He was going to become a villain, you weren't supposed to come for him. You ruined that. Now you'll pay."

Throwing Midoriya to the side, Inferno harshly lundged at the red hair, activating her quirk. Flames erupted from her hands as she swung a powered punch towards him. Connecting his forearms in across, Kirishima's activated his quirk to deflect the hit, but the force knocked hi back a few inches but over all he was okay. Jumping back, Inferno readied herself for another attack when she suddenly flew to the side of a wall. Kirishima's head snapped to Midoriya who held up his fist with his veins green.

"You said this wasn't how this should've gone. How was this supposed to of gone?"

Midoriya said as he watched Inferno get up, almost flinching under the pressure of her glare she sent.

"They weren't suppose to come for you... You were supposed to have lost hope in them rescuing you and join the league to get revenge.. I thought you would've ended up like me but I guess I was wrong... But oh well, you can be my first kill!"

Inferno said as she pulled a sadistic smile at the end before lundging at Midoriya at lightning speed he couldnt dodge. The two slammed into the wall, the wall giving way and they ended up outside of the base in a flat area. Unfurling her wings, Inferno grabbed the two boys and flew into the air, only stopping when if they were to fall a normal human would've died by impact. Doing a flip in the air, Inferno got enough momentum and threw Kirishima and Midoriya with force towards the ground. Before much space was in between them, Midoriya activated One For All and grabbed the females wrist and dragged her down as well. Midoriya then flipped her, using her a cushion to his and Kirishima's fall. The two boys jumped away from the mini crater the impact made in the grass as they stared at Inferno who laid there, never leaving their defensive stance.

From inside shouts could be heard and pro hero's flooded the room that used to hold Midoriya captive. Some investigated the room, some stepped through the hole in the wall and walked up to the two heroes in training. Quirk nullification cuffs were put on Inferno's wrist as they pulled her up from the mini crater. Not struggling, Inferno lazily looked over to the boys approaching her as the heroes stopped seeing them approach too.

"Inferno, you don't have to be a villain anymore. You can become good and redeem yourself by bringing good to others and maybe they'll warm up to you."

"Sorry darling, but no offense, you have so much hope and trust for society and you really shouldnt. No society accepts a former villian, as they see it, once a villain always a villain. They may even want Endeavor over me for a hero."

Inferno said, whispering the last sentence. Pulling her away from the boys, the hero guided her towards the front of the building.

"Have a good life."

Sighing, Midoriya turned to the red head standing beside him. "I tried." "Not everyone wants to change for the better, but let's hope she'll get help." Nodding, they both began to walk towards the front, thanking any hero they passed for their help.

"Thanks for coming to save me." Midoriya said looking straight ahead. "I guess her words did affect me slightly."

"I would never let one of my friends get captured and not do everything I can to get them back. Honestly, I don't know what I would've done if you were gone. Kinda been thinking a lot about you and for you up and leave would've probably made me lose it."

Realizing what he said, Kirishima slapped a hand over his mouth and picked up his speed, passing Midoriya. Smiling, Midoriya watched the red haired boy speed walk away.

"Well Kirishima, I've been thinking a lot about you too and just by doing that you unintentionally helped me not lose my sanity."

This is the ending of this short story of KiriDeku. This all began when I got a request from my friend to write a story about KiriDeku as a joke but it soon actually got support which I thank you guys for. Even though I see this as a rushed and bad plot story, I hope you guys actually liked it. Hopefully the edited versions will be better than the originals without as many errors. There will be a somewhat epilogue chapter after this but it won't really be a proper epilogue, mainly just what happened after this story. I may continue writing stories but I don't know at the moment. Again, thank you guys for reading and the support and I hope you have a good day/night.

*Edited July 3rd*
*926 words*

KiriDeku Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora