Chapter 1: Break Up

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Crying sounds could be heard from Izuku's and Kirishima's rooms that day, their hearts broken by who they thought loved them.

*Earlier that day*

~ Izuku's POV ~

I was walking to the location Shoto had said to meet up with him to talk. When the meeting spot came in view, a small cafe on the corner of (random street), I spotted Shoto already there. I sped my walk to a light jog to get there faster.

"Hey Shoto!"

I said as I reached him. Shoto looked up from previously looking at the ground, but for some reason Shoto looked guilty and sad. I tried to figure out why, but I couldn't figure out why.


His voice snapped me out of my thoughts and I smiled encouraging at him.

"What did you want to talk about?"

Shoto stayed quiet, the silence worrying me and making my reach my hand out to comfort him.

"Shoto? Whats wrong?"

A sigh and a turn of the head was the response I got as he continued to avoid eye contact.

"Izuku... I think we should break up..."

My eyes widened and I felt my heart start to ache. My arm that was in mid air now dropped to my side as I searched his eyes to see if he was just playing some cruel joke.


I finally stuttered out after concluding he was joking which only broke my heart more. Shoto 's outside demeanor remain calm, but his eyes betrayed him. Sadness rested in them, but there was also determination that he was going to keep up his facade of calmness. Just by looking at him, I could see it was too late to change his mind. Thoughts buzzed around my head but one thing stood out, my want to know the reason. Why was he breaking up with me? Was I a bad boyfriend? Was I not good enough?


Shoto looked away but I kept my gaze on him. He wasn't the only one determined, I was determined to find the reasoning.

"Because, Im just not for you... Im sorry Izuku..."

After those words left his mouth it was silence, the only sound was the background noise of the city. Tears started blinding me as they clouded my eyes and I realized my arms were shaking as I reached up to clear my eyes but it was no use as they almost immediately fogged up.

"I hope you find someone better than me... Goodbye Izuku..."

And with that said I watched Shoto walk away, not looking back. I fell to the ground, landing on my hands and knees. It stung me, but at that moment i couldn't feel much other than sadness. Tears ran down my face freely now, falling to the ground. Subconsciously I got up and slowly walked towards the dorms and towards my room. Im sure I got weird looks from people I had passed, but I didnt care about that. Others can only judge by what they see and hear without the knowledge of what that person is truly going through.

I opened the door to the common room and walked in, thanking whoever that the room was empty so no one could see me cry. I wouldnt have had the self control or right mind to answer any questions right now it anyone did question me. I walked into my room and closed the door behind me, flopping on my All Might decorated bed and letting all my tears flow. I spent the rest of my day crying over what happened.

*Earlier that day somewhere else*

~ Kirishima's POV ~

"Hey Bakubro!"

I said as I stopped in front of my boy friend. As we stood in front of (Random cafe) people pass us doing their own thing.

"Shitty hair."

The permanent scowl on his face deepened. Earlier that day I had gotten a text from Katsuki that said to meet him at this cafe to talk. I smiled as I remembered he wanted to talk.

"Whats up Bakubro?"

I watched as Katsuki turned his head away causing my smile to go down some. I grew confused as to why Katsuki was acting this way but continued to be patient.


"We're fucking done."

Oh thats why. Studying him, I ignored his cussing as it was a daily thing. My smile went down all the way and I could feel a tugging in my chest.

"W-what do you mean....?"

Katsuki tsked and finally looked at me. Guilt was in his eyes but so was the same tough guy everyone sees unless you're as close to him as I was.

"Because I dont fucking love you anymore. Goodbye Kirishima."

My eyes blurred as tears threaten to fall and all I could focus on was a blurry Katsuki walking away. I hung my head and tears finally fell, temporarily staining the concrete below. I was vaguely aware pf people glancing at me as they walk by, but I didnt pay attention. I turned around and walked back to the dorms.

I opened the common room door and walked inside. As I passed Izuku's room I could hear muffled cries coming from there.

'I'll ask him about it later' I thought. I just needed to be alone right now. I opened my rooms door and walked in, laying on my bed and freely cried. I didnt get up for the rest of the day, justing wanting to be alone after what had happened.

*Edited on April 13, 2020*

*902 words*

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