Chapter 10

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Shifting into consciousness, Midoriya struggled to move his limbs as his head rolled to the side slightly from the grogginess of waking up. Groaning, he gained control of his body and moved his stiff head to the side, his neck popping. Looking around, his once blind eyes soon grew used to the darkness the longer light was absent. Struggling to move his arms and legs, Midoriya struggled against what felt like ropes and cold bracelets around his wrists and ankles. Craning his head around, Midoriya tried to get a better look as much as he can despite the darkness. Suddenly a door creaked open, light engulfing the dark room in an angle. Midorya's head snapped towards the door, but couldnt see the person who opened the door.

"Hello Deku. Sorry for the inconvenience, but you're going to stay here for a while. Kay?" The 'Kay' being pronounced an octave higher as the figure closed the door slightly, waiting for an answer.

Finding his voice, Midoriya said, "Wait, where am I?" A chuckle could be heard from the other side of the door as it stopped moving. "Now, that has to stay a secret for now hun. Have a nice rest darling." The door shut, leaving Midoriya in darkness once again.

A low rumble echoed through the room as something shifted. Struggling to see, Midoriya tried to determine what the noise was but was stopped short as he suddenly started choking on air as gas filled the room. Coughing, Midoriya tried not to breathe in the gas but soon his vision grew blurry once again. Closing his eyes, Midoriya let the darkness take over.


Midoriya had just left as the second match of the battle tournament part of the sports festival started. Kirishima sat in Class 2A's portion of seats, watching the fight between Bakugou and Iida. As the battle progressed Kirishima soon grew worried as Midoriya wasn't back from the stands with the drinks. Looking around, he wondered if anyone else had noticed because surely he couldn't be the only one who noticed. As the battle ended Kirishima stood up and walked towards the stands during the interval, looking for the green haired boy but coming short and heading back to the seats.

"Hey, have you seen Midoriya? He hasnt come back since he went for the drinks.." Kirishima said to Uraraka as he sat next to her. "Deku hasnt come back?" She responded, looking around as well. "No, I went to look for him during the interval but he wasn't there. I know he's strong and can take care of himself but I'm still worried. I asked multiple people if they saw him but none of the stand workers saw him." "After the Sports Festival is over should we go to Mr. Aizawa?" "We may have to if his doesn't come back by then." The third battle between Tokoyami and Todoroki had started, the second ending with Bakugou winning.

The sports festival went by in a blur as Kirishima went through all the possibilities of what couldve happened to Midoriya, worrying growing as the boy didn't show up for the rest of the Sports Festival. In the end the final winners were Bakugou, Todoroki, and Tokoyami and after they were given their medals everyone left as school was out for the students.

Kirishima and Uraraka speed walked towards the commentator box Aizawa and Present Mic were supposedly still in turning everything off. Knocking, Kirishima waited for an answer which he got and went in, closing the door after Uraraka entered. "What do you need?" Aizawa asked as he rolled the chair he sat in under the table. "We think Midoriya is in trouble. He went to get drinks during the second match of the battle tournament and never returned." "I swear you kids get into the most trouble I've ever seen. I'll talk with Nezu about this. Dont do anything rash and reckless like looking for him on your owns got it?" Aizawa asked earning a nod from both of them. "Ok, come on Mic." The two teachers then walked out of the room. 

"What if something bad happened?" Uraraka asked as she watched the teachers leave. Kirishima then looked at Uraraka with determination.

"Then we'll get through it and find Midoriya." 

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