The list

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Louisa's p.o.v

They kept running and I'm pretty sure it was Leo who used a smoke bomb to make it look like we disappeared when we jumped down into an alleyway. "Towards the manhole, hurry!" Leo says and points down, so they all got down and continued to run. When we reached the lair Raph set me down as the others wanted to play the pinball machine. I just sigh and go towards the couch and sit down with my head back out of exhaustion and groan. "You doing good?" I hear Donnie ask as someone sits next to me on the couch, I nod my head.

"Your little friend is here to help though" I furrow my eyebrows and look up at him, but see George in his hands, I smile and chuckle. "Hey buddy, good to see you again" I say and he runs into my lap and smiles up at me. We played a bit, but I look at Donnie with a smile "I'm good, it's just today was so nerve racking at my head. Especially with Karai" I put my head back again at the name of her "she was just after my head. It was crazy!" Donnie then says "well, I know how you feel, she's the same with all of us."

We laugh a little, but he says "I was so worried you were gonna get hurt" I softly smile as a little blush gets to my face "really??" He nods his head. "It all started once you got captured with Leo, I was worried for him too, but I knew Karai wouldn't hurt him. They have this weird flirty connection between them" Donnie explains to me. George tries to make me feel happier by curling up under my hand, I just pet him as Donnie looks at me. The most cutest yet most worried face I could see on him as he says "I'm glad I could see you in action."

I smile a little more and laugh out of nervousness "thanks.... I can say the same about you" I notice his blush come back as he nervously laughs. "You two with the flirtin, Mikey that's ten points towards Donnisa!" Mikey groans at that. "Fine, add it to the list! I'm in the middle of a game" Mikey responds as he continued to play. I furrow my eyebrows as I ask "what list??" We both look towards Raph as he says "we're tallyin up Donnisa and Louisardo moments. It's kind of funny" I blink in realization and earlier came to mind, so I decided to ask how many 'points' that is.

"How many points is touching something??" I ask awkwardly, Donnie looked at me with wide eyes "excuse me??" He asked with his eyeridges furrowed. I nervously laugh as my blush darkened "I'll explain later- how much?" Raph raised an eyeridge. "Depends, butt is fifteen, chest is twenty as caressing your face would be twentyfive." I groaned and put my head to my face saying "add twenty to Louisardo!" Donnie gasped. Raph started to laugh hysterically "you have got to explain what happened, I'm getting the list."


Okay that's it my wonderful foodies~ Now I hope I can serve you another chapter again soon!


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