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Fun fact: Paul's Hoffner bass was originally Stuart's.

He bought it after selling his first painting, being peer pressured by John and Paul to join the band. He could barely play it and never put much effort on it of course, so when he quit the band I guess he left it behind and Paul picked it up ((mostly because I can't imagine Stu handing it willingly to the bastard who kept bullying him over petty shit)).

The thing is, a while ago in the Wired Autocomplete Interview, Paul said the original Hoffner was stolen and he now plays a different one. He then went off to explain he imagines someone on a german castle secretly has it on display or smtn.

And I can't help but imagine Stuart's ghost being *so* pissed, that this bastard not only kept whining that he could play better, he also went and lost the first big purchase Stu ever made. Also, if Paul can see him somehow, him groaning at Stu that he didn't even wanted it or cared much for it, just wanted to look cool, and so on and on.

Just. A petty ghost and a petty grandpa fighting over stuff that happened ages ago just for the heck of it.

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