Chapter 8- Dovovan

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I knew Arlee told me to stay out of the woods but I have to warn the she-wolf that there was a new wolf. That was if she didn't already know.

Suddenly, I heard a warning bark. It was from the she-wolf, and it sounded close. I wondered what she could warning about and who it was for. I walked in the direction of her bark as I took the drawing of her out of my pocket.

I forgot to tell Arlee that she was a great drawer. Just as I wove around a tree, I heard something crash through the forest. The grey wolf from school came into my focus, he was running right at me faster than I thought possible.

I backed away and tripped on a log, falling to the ground. Oh my god. It was going to kill me. The wolf leaped at me, jaw open and it wrapped around my leg, biting hard.

I cried out as white dots spotted in my vision, I was going to die. Just as I felt the wolves teeth hit near my bone another wolf rocketed out from behind a tree at speeds that were unimaginable.

It jumped into the side of the grey wolf, snapping at his throat. The wolves fought as I carried my bleeding leg. I felt tears in my eyes as I looked at the wolves and recognised to wolf that had saved me.

It was the she-wolf.

She and the other wolf were circling each other, growling and snapping at each other. The white she-wolf made sure to stay in front of me the whole time, guarding me.

I lay against a tree, cradling my leg. I knew it was deep, it most likely would need stitches. I moved my leg and cried out again. The she-wolf glanced back at me, worry exploding from her eyes.

That action itself was so human it remined me of Arlee today when she looked at me with the same look.

The grey wolf took her distraction and leaped at her, she dodged out of the way just in time. She ran around him and slashed at his back legs. He howled and she barked back.

One phrase entered my mind so clearly in Arlee's voice that I though she was here.

I challenge you.

The male wolf froze hearing the voice as well. He pounced again and again but the she-wolf kept dodging and swiping at his hind legs. I finally realised what she was doing, she was tiering him down.

They were at it for a few moments longer until the grey wolf noticed as well. so he took another look on the fight. He leaped at me, claws outstretched.

The she-wolf growled again and jumped over me, blocking the attack with her body. she howled out and her knees buckled but held strong.

Blood dripped down from her side as the male wolf buried his teeth into her back. She whimpered and tried to shake him off while avoiding getting me caught in the cross-fire. Blood was clotted in her white fur and it made my stomach roll.

"No!" I bellowed, when the grey wolf dug his claws down her side and neck. I watch helpless until I remembered the pocket knife in my shoe. I push up and off the tree, taking out the blade.

Blood covered the forest floor as I hobbled over to the fighting wolves. The she-wolf eyed my knife and angled her body so I had a clean shot at the grey wolf. Before I could think I sank the knife into the wolfs shoulder, feeling a thud as it hit bone. He howled out in pain.

I twisted the blade until he let go of the she-wolf's back and side. She slunk away as I pulled the knife out and stabbed again in a different spot. Blood squirted out, falling on my hands and boots.

They grey wolf groaned and wiped his body away from my knife. He gave me a dirty look and then stumbled away back into some trees, dripping blood all the way.

When I couldn't hear the crashing of his steps in the woods I limped over to the she-wolf.

She was lying in a pool of her own blood, beside a tree whimpering at her wounds.

"Oh no, oh no, oh no..." I repeated not knowing what to do. The blood from my leg mixed with hers. My leg didn't hurt as much any more but I wasn't going to look at it, fearful that I might vomit.

"Arlee!" Someone shouted as I twirled around in the direction of the voice, Why was Arlee here? I saw Andy run out from the trees, running beside him was Cole. Andy and Cole stopped in their tracks when they saw the bloody she-wolf.

"No." Andy whispered and jogged the last few steps to the injured wolf, kneeling down next to her. Cole looked at the blood and the trail that was left behind by the other wolf.

"Eric was here, she fought him. God damnit Arlee!" Cole shouted and fell next to her as well. Why had he called the she-wolf Arlee? What was going on here?

"Can you help her?" I questioned as Cole and Andy looked up from the she-wolf. Cole nodded and turned back to the wolf, stroking her head, but Andy glared at me and got up, storming at me.

"Tell me what happened to her." He asked forcefully and took a step towards me, fists clenched so hard his knuckles were white. I was going to answer but Cole started talking.

"You have to shift, pup. We cant see how bad it is if you don't shift." He said to the wolf, scratching her ear softly. What was he talking about, shift into what?

The she-wolf whined again and twisted on the ground. Slowly, the wolf's fur turned to clothes and her snout to a nose. Until, right in front of my eyes, the she-wolf turned into a human. I gasped and staggered back. She turned into Arlee.

Cole murmured words to her as he lifted her bloody slashed uniform and examined the bite and slices. The bruise from today was nowhere to be seen on her face. Arlee moaned as Cole brought out a glass vial and pressed it against her side, collecting her blood.

Just as I was about to ask him why he was doing that Andy gripped to front of my shirt, pulling me forward, right near his face. He had bags under his eyes, and his breath smelt bad as he store me down.

"You run and I'll kill you." Andy threatened and I believed him. He may not like me much but I had known him for almost as long as I have Arlee. He went out of his way to protect her. He see me as a danger if he was threatening me. He must think I will go and tell someone that my best friend  just turned from a wolf to a human. As if they would believe me.

"Andy leave the poor kid alone. Help me with this." Cole demanded and Andy released his hold on my shirt, gave me a hard look and then knelt down above Arlee's head. He leaned down and pressed his lips to her forehead.

Andy looked up at Cole. "She lost too much blood, she won't heal fast enough." He advised as Cole pushed his hands onto the deepest slash in Arlee's side.

She screamed and it felt like it shattered something inside of me.

"She needs to go to the hospital!" I shouted and also crouched down next to her. She had tears on her face as she lifted a shaky finger and pointed at me.

"His leg- Eric bit it." Arlee winced and Andy and Cole looked at each other then at me.

"Show me your leg." Cole commanded and I did. I had almost forgotten about my bite wound and when I went to show Cole the injury, it was gone.

There was just blood and white dots where the teeth had entered my skin. Cole swore.

"What?! Why did it- whe-where is it?" I stuttered, shaking my healed leg. The males went silent and I heard Arlee moan again.

"We will tell you everything once Arlee is healed." Cole said, his voice surprisingly calm as he placed his arms under Arlee's bloody body and she cried out. He stood up, bring Arlee with him.

"You boys run ahead to the house and I'll meet you there. Clear off the table and call the pack doctor. If you finish before we get there, drive the quad down." Cole ordered and Andy and I rolled into action.

"Keep up," Andy hissed before running the way he had come. With one last look at Arlee, face crinkled with pain and head pushed tight against Cole's chest, I bolted after Andy.


Only 1 more chapter in this story!
Will Arlee make it? What's going to happen to Donovan?

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