Chapter 4- Donovan

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The weekend flew by and before I knew it, it was Monday. I had to rush out the front door, shoving my socked feet into my black shoes, a piece of toast half in my mouth. I had forgot to wash my uniform from last week, so after I had made sure it didn't smell bad, I had to wear dirty clothes.

"Bye!" I yelled out to anyone listening and unlocked my old ford falcon, sliding onto the cracked seat. I threw my bag in the back seat and started the engine. There was a roar then black smoke puffed out the back of the car. I'll get that fixed sometime over the holidays.

I was on my P plates though I had been driving most my life. I turned the music on and started the short drive into town.

My father had moved to the outskirts of town before I was born. Sadly my mother passed away during birth, I had barely survived. When my dad met Mary, my step-mother, when I was around 5 or 6, she tried to get him to move into town. He refused to go because my real mother chose this house and it was the only thing of hers he had left.

But Mary still tried, she was a great person around my dad but when he left for work, the devil would come out. Don't get me wrong I love her, she's the only mother I've ever known but she has her ups and downs.

The trees soon gave out to buildings as my car zoomed into town. I passed my dads car at the log cutting factory and Mary's at the cafe.

I pulled into the school carpark and found a spot close to the exit. I checked my watch as I yanked my bag from the back seat. A white ute drove passed me in my flimsy blue falcon and I registered it as Arlees car, but she wasn't driving it.

Her dad was behind the wheel. It parked and the passenger door opened up and Andy, Arlees brother stumbled out, a smile on his lips. A bag was thrown out the door and Andy caught it as Arlee herself jumped out, smiling ear to ear. They laughed.

She ran around to the other side and hugged the driver, followed by Andy. I turned my car off and got out, shoving the keys into my pocket. Arlee spotted me standing awkwardly by my car and smiled, striding up to me.

"Hey Donny." She said, her beautiful voice echoing around my head like a ping pong machine.
"Have you met my dad? Like fully met him?"
No I haven't but I didn't want to, he looked like the kind of man that if I ever lay a finger on Arlee, he would get his gang and kill me.

I shook my head and Arlee smirked, grabbing my wrist and pulling me towards her ute. My skin was electrified under her warm fingers and I resisted a sigh. We reached the ute and the man inside watch me every move, making my stomach do flips.

"Donovan, Cole, Cole, Donovan." Arlee chimed and Andy laughed, covering his smirk when she shot him a glare. Cole threw his hand out at me and I flinched. Then I realised that he wanted to shake me hand.

I shook it and let go, looking down the whole time, not wanting Cole to see my red face.
"Arlee!" A bubbly voice shouted and Lea appeared, jumping right on top of Arlees shoulders.

"Lea!" Arlee grinned, coping the exact same enthusiasm and excitement as Lea had.
"I found a whole heap of activities to do in the cabins." Lea said, only now just noticing Andy, Cole and I. Her cheeks redden at the sight of Andy and she lightly chewed on her lip, not seeming to notice. "Hey Andy, I haven't seen you in a while. Your back Mr Cole."

Cole nodded and Andy watched Lea, his gaze lingering on her chest.
"You'll have to get Arlee to show you the photos."

Lea nodded just as the bell rang, signalling us to get to class.
"That's my que." Cole said. "I'll pick you pair up after school."

Andy and Arlee nodded and their dad backed out of the parking lot. I could have sworn I saw him sniff the air in my direction before he drove off.

"Come on, we have maths first period, bye Andy." Lea stated and dragged Arlee away. Andy's eyes are away at me as I followed to girls. As if feeling my uncomfortableness, Arlee turned around and store Andy down. He dropped his gaze and walked away, a smirk set on his mouth.

"Bye!" He shouted over his shoulder as Arlee flicked her dark brown eyes to me and smiled. That small smile could get me through any day.


Soon the first two periods were over and it was lunch. During maths we had a substitute teacher and Arlee and Lea swapped names, the whole class played along.

On the way out of the maths class the cheeky duo went up to the teacher and told him the truth, running out before he could process the prank.

Science was boring as usual. Sir's voice monotone and Arlee fell asleep half way through the lesson. I had to wake her up just before the teacher handed out our homework. She looked so cute when she sleeps, her mouth slightly open and head pushed against her arm.

I smiled at the memory of the lesson, Arlee and Lea now we're sitting on the top of our table, discussing the trip to the cabins at the end of the week.

The sun barely cut through the cold as I tucked my jacket closer to me. I always sit behind Arlee on the table and she always leans on my back. Today when she did that, warmth flooded through me, as if her touch had broken a dam of lava inside me.

I swear a human shouldn't be that hot.

"So how long are we going to be up in the mountains?" Lea asked as Arlee read through the notes she had been writing down.
"Ummm, 2,3 days?" Arlee replied, leaning her head back onto my neck, dropping the pen and notebook in her lap. I breathed in her smell and sucked in a mouthful of bitter air.

She rubbed her eyes and sighed.
"What do you think, Donny?"
"I think it should be 3 days." I replied, the more time with Arlee, the better. Arlee jotted something down and sat upright, off my back a little.

Clark, one of friends, was staring at us, at our connection. Everyone knew he liked Arlee, as did I. I'm sure other people did as well but she was mine. Well not mine, but I call shots.

"Okay, so 3 days up in the mountains in a cabin at the ski resort, sounds like a plan." She announced to the group of mainly boys, except for herself and Lea. "So who's coming?"

Out of the 8 people in the group, (including Arlee and I) 5 said it was a definite. Unfortunately Clark was one of them. Arlee and Lea said they would sort out little invites with all the info and that was the end of that conversation.

Mali was busy talking to Lea about his weekend, I would have to tell him to lay off if what I saw earlier between her and Andy was true. I turned around and rested my chin on Arlees shoulder, we usually shared small touches like these.

She was doing a small drawing at the bottom of the page of notes. I watched her pen glide over the paper in short, easy strokes and slowly a realistic sketch of a wolf appeared in the corner.

(^^ Drawing)She looked up at me and halted her drawing

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(^^ Drawing)
She looked up at me and halted her drawing.
"Do you like it? I've been practicing at home."
She started gently, looking back at her drawing and adding some shadows to the fur and head. I nodded and watched her finish the sketch.

It was laying down, it's eyes closed. Carefully, Arlee tore the corner of the page and handed me the sketch. I thanked her just as the bell went, and everyone packed up their lunch.

As we walked back to class, I realised that the sketch looked familiar. I glanced at it again.

It was the she-wolf


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