Start from the beginning

"All I did was say 'let's go' when him and Haiba-kun were about to get into a fight. I hate it when people fight..." She whimpered, hiding her face in her behind her knees.

Yamaguchi rubbed her back, not knowing exactly how to comfort his best friend's girlfriend.

Geez... Tsukki... what's gotten into you? He thought, because just a couple months ago, Tsukishima was practically all tsundere-heart-eyes for her. Yet, now, he was just being a complete dumbass, and even Yamaguchi couldn't defend him.


It was very blue outside and Kohari didn't want to waste it. Her apartment had been making her feel slightly suffocated lately, and she wanted to clear up her senses a bit.  Grabbing a book that sat at the bottom of her bed, she clenched it between her side and arm as she slid her shoes on. 

Taking a quick glance in her mirror, she smoothed out her hair, shoved her phone into her back pocket, then grabbed her keys and a thin sweater, before heading out.

Yet, her gut instincts were odd.  She bit her lip, looking at her doorknob as she stood right outside of her apartment.

Maybe it's the stress... Kohari pushed her thoughts aside, shoving her key into the keyhole and locking her door.  She put the lanyard over her head and pivoted, walking to where the elevators were.

She hugged the small book tight to her chest with an arm, running a hand through her bob-cut hair. 

The ravenette sighed loudly.  She missed being a high schooler... the easy life where she passed all her assignments with flying colours; when her and Tsukishima were on good terms.  The school she attended in Sapporo was the equivalent to the military, in her opinion.

She always wondered what would've happened if she didn't go to Sapporo.  Would her and Tsukishima make proper amends?  Would she have enjoyed her final year at Karasuno?

It was far too late to regret, anyway.  And now, she was at the mercy of the real world, barely getting by with her monthly pay check.

"Ah, to be young."


"Good job on placing first for exams."  Tsukishima said, handing the female an iced coffee.  She happily took it, her slender fingers and his calloused brushing against each other briefly.

Both turned a light shade of pink; the boy turned his head away.

"Thank you.  You got fourth right?  That's really good, Tsukishima-kun."  Kohari said, giving him a gentle smile.

His lips pressed into a thin line, before he replied with an awkward grin of his own.  "It's not that big of a deal."

She hummed, opening the can and taking a sip.  "It's still a good milestone.  Our semester was packed."

"You say that like it was hard for you."  He teased, eyes watching as her lips curled into a mischievous smile.

"I said 'packed,' not 'hard.'"  Kohari corrected, teasing him back.

And only one thought was in his head at that moment:  I want her to be my girlfriend.

He shook his head to get the looming thought of out his mind.  He'd obviously ask her out sometime soon, but he felt like it was still too early.  Be patient, you ass... he thought to himself.

"Tsukishima-kun?"  The male heard, looking down at her slightly tilted head, lavender pools luring him in as her vibrant lips were set ajar, unintentionally tempting him.  It also didn't help how her shampoo smelled so good.  "Are you okay?"

He nodded, his throat suddenly feeling dry as he broke their gaze.  "Y—yeah.  I'm good, my bad."

As the girl looked up at the boy, she couldn't help her thumping heart as she had the temptation to move closer—be nearer to him.  His taut and sharp jaw strangely attractive to the female.  Suddenly, she felt his large hand gently grasp onto her head, turning her head so she was so longer looking at him.

She flushed bright pink, embarrassed.

I was totally staring...


His breaths were audible and ragged as his shoes kissed the path beneath.  Sweat beaded down his forehead as he made his way deeper into the park.  The male swallowed dryly, this throat craving for water.  He held off, knowing there was a water fountain a few metres from where he was.

As he approached, he saw the familiar open park resting hut.  It was usually empty because it was old and weary, but today, someone was there.

Their hair was short and dark, seemingly to barely pass their jaw.  Their smooth, pale arms were exposed from the blouse they wore, their feminine hands grasping a book.

He stopped.  Amber irises going wide as he realized who it was.  He moved forward, knowing she hadn't realized he was there yet.  Tsukishima scowled, why was he being so cautious?

Lazily, he picked up his feet and stopped at the water fountain beside the hut, bending down as he pressed the side.  The cool, fresh water kissed his once parched throat.

When he stood straight, his wiped his mouth with his sleeve, meeting the unreadable lavender pools that belonged to none other than his first-love, Taira Kohari.

And he couldn't help but feel the cliché emotion known as heartache.  His chest tightened at the sight of her, the sad reality of coming to terms with the fact that he missed her bad, crashing down on him.

And like some kind of sick romance movie, it was like both of them began to get nasty flashbacks, memories of each other flashing through their minds and going by in a blur.

It wasn't until Kohari stood up, that he realized his world was no longer frozen.  He stood stock still, his body stuck as he watched her brush by him.

Parting his lips, he breathed out, finally catching his breath.

"Koh—I mean.. Taira.. hold on."


KILL US — Jessie Reyez

That flashback where Tsukki and her talked about exams was prior to when he asked her out. I'm sure it was obvious, I just wanted to make it super clear. Hopefully it's not too confusing because I just wanted to put in that little wholesome scene.

What are your thoughts?  Hehehehehe

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