First Day of Work

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Hermione woke up to an alarm clock and looked over to see Draco rubbing sleep from his eyes, he leaned over and kissed her, he then quickly got up and went into the bathroom across the hall, Hermione went into the kitchen and bolted to the pot of coffee she made set up the night before, she got out the toaster and put in 2 pieces of toast, she sat down on the couch and got out her Daily Prophet that was on her counter, Draco then exited the bathroom and saw Hermione on the couch, he went over to her and kissed the thick mane of hair on her head, he went over to the coffee machine and saw that Hermione already poured him a cup and made him some toast with butter just like he likes it. Hermione went into their bedroom and arose a few minutes later in a black pencil skirt, a white blouse, and a black cardigan, she then went into the bathroom and arose minutes later with straight hair and a little mascara, Draco then went into the bedroom and arose in a dark green shirt, black pants, and a black blazer. He then went into the bathroom and did his hair the way he had been doing it since sixth year. They then heard a knock at the door, Hermione went to the door and opened it to reveal Harry in clothes close to Draco's only with a red shirt underneath the blazer, "Hermione you look amazing," Harry said as he kissed Hermione on the cheek. Draco emerged and saw Harry, "Hey Harry," Draco said as he shook Harry's hand, Draco, Hermione, and Harry all went down to the parking garage, "Ginny and Blaise went super early to practice," Harry said as he got into his car. Draco got into the driver's seat of his and Hermione's car and drove the two of them to the bathroom where they went into the ministry. Hermione was staring at the new statue in the center of the main floor, a wizard and witch with a house elf on the witch's shoulder and a center shaking hands with the wizard. She then felt an arm around her shoulders and quickly turned her head to see Draco, "How are you?" Draco whispered in her ear, "Okay just nervous," She took a deep breath and Draco took her hand, they walked together to the elevators and Hermione pressed the fifth-floor button and Draco pushed the second. As the elevator doors opened to the second floor Draco kissed Hermione and walked into the first day of his new career, he saw Harry walking into initiation and followed him. Hermione rode the elevator up to the new department, she stepped out onto the floor and saw a man in a suit and tie, "Hello Ms. Granger my name is William James and I am here to help you on your first day," he was tall, with brown hair and green eyes, he walked her into a huge office, in the center was a desk with a computer, printer, fax machine, and at the farthest wall as a giant oval window, a door in the center leading out to a balcony, the left wall wasn't a wall just a bookshelf, "This is your office, decorate it as you want, now let's go meet your team, they will be the ones with you investigating cases, you and them will go to households or businesses and asses the situations," they walked into an open room with about 6 desks and 6 people sitting by them. Once they saw William and Hermione they all stood up and walked over to them, they all stood in a line, "Ms. Granger, this is Molly Jones, Percy Andrews, Elizabeth Adams, Evelyn Burton, Mason Walker, and Thomas Robinson," William said as he was going down the line. "Hello I am very excited to work with all of you, and it might take me a while to learn names, I am not great at that, but I hope we can all work together well," Hermione said as she shook hands with all of them, "Well if you have any questions you can go to Ms. Granger and well that's it," William said. Hermione walked back to her office and started to answer emails.

Draco followed Harry to initiation and ended up in a big room filled with men and women all sitting down on benches with a woman at the front of the room, Draco and Harry sat down in 2 empty seats, "Welcome new recruits, well almost, you will undergo a simple evaluation and if you pass you will officially become an Auror, if you fail well you are jobless, so can I have, by last name, A through F go to room 1, G through L room 2, M through R room 3, S through W room 4 and X through Z in room 5," the women boomed. Harry and Draco got up, along with everyone else in the room, and they went to the third room down. It was a white room with seating, enough for all the M through R people. "Malfoy, Draco," Draco turned to see that a ministry worker had come out of the testing room, Draco stood up and followed the woman into the room, he sat in a chair across from the woman, "Tell me what is your home life like?" the woman asked. "Now or during childhood?" Draco asked, "Now then we can move into your childhood," the woman replied. "Well, I live in an apartment near here with my girlfriend, next to our best friends," Draco said. "Who is this girlfriend of yours and can you elaborate on these friends, I need last names and jobs," the woman said. "Well my girlfriend is Hermione Granger she works here at the ministry, our next-door neighbors are Harry Potter and Ginny Weasley, Potter also works here and Weasley is on a professional Quidditch team, then next to them is Blaise Zabini who is on the same team as Weasley," Draco said. "Now this says that you were a death eater in my files I need you to elaborate on that," the woman said. "Yes well, my childhood wasn't great my father constantly beat my mother and me and forced us to become death eaters, I wanna state that I never killed anyone," Draco said. The woman nodded, "Now can you tell me about your past and current relationships?" Draco inhaled, "Well I have dated Pansy Parkinson before but we broke up in our sixth year, after the war Hermione and I were assigned Head Boy and Girl at Hogwarts, we lived together and eventually fell in love, we now, as I said, live together with our best friends right next door," the woman was taking notes about all of this, "Now about your seventh year at Hogwarts can you tell me exactly what happened with Ronald Weasley and Viktor Krum?" the woman looked at Draco with such intent. "Well, Ron dated Hermione previously and cheated on her, we were guessing around that time after they were cursed, when we got to Hogwarts Krum was hitting on Hermione and abused her, Ron also abused her and I, our final confrontation was not good and we finally found out who was behind the curse," the woman then wrote even more, "Do you want revenge?" Draco scoffed on the inside, "Not to the point where anyone gets hurt but I would like justice, a fair trial, a lawful conviction," the woman smiled, "Thank you, Mr. Malfoy, you can go if you wait in the waiting room I will have your results when I'm done interviewing everyone," Draco waited for hours watching people weave in and out of the room when she came out of the room for the final time, "If you do hear your name you sadly didn't make the cut and will have to find some other job," Draco's heart stopped as she read off the names, she finished the list and realized that neither his nor Harry's name was on the list, he and Harry stood up, looked at each other and hugged, it seemed like their feud was actually over. Draco looked at the clock and realized it was 5 o clock, knowing Hermione she was still in her office, he ran to the elevator and went up to the fifth floor, he followed signs all the way to Hermione's office, he knocked on her door "Come in," Draco heard as he entered the room, "Sorry, first day and I'm already a mess," Hermione said as she stood up, Draco didn't think she realized it was her, "That's fine my love that is why I love you," Hermione looked up and smiled, "Oh my god hi, when do you find out If you made it?" Hermione asked. Draco looked down and sad, "Oh no baby I'm so sorry," Hermione said as she pulled him into a hug, "You are looking at part of a new class of Aurors," Draco said to Hermione, she released from his grasp and hit him on his shoulder, Draco winced in pain and Hermione smiled once more and pulled him into a hug, "Let's go out to dinner and celebrate we can get Harry and Ginny and Blaise as well," Hermione said as she grabbed her purse.

Living Together- A Dramione Love Story SequelOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara