Ch 6 Playful Duel and a Fustrated Y/N

Beginne am Anfang

Tanner: Where are you going?

Yang: Yeah the cafeteria is the other way.

Y/N: I'm going to sleep for another hour so send my regards to Amber.

Ruby: Wait!

Y/N: Yes?

Ruby: Do you want to have a match later?

Y/N: Okay. We can do so later this week.

You left saying your goodbyes with the teams talking amongst themselves. Some said how they plan to meet up with Team JNPR.

Silver: (gets a message) Hold up. I don't know about y'all but I got a challenge from Nora. Says something about if I back out my legs will be broken. Do you really think she is guys?

By now the group was gone leaving Silver by himself in the middle of the hallway but he was still looking at the message.

Silver: Tanner? Yang? Anybody? It can't be that bad right? Those traitors.

He sighs and leaves. Though he didn't know that they were going to meet up as he was too busy with the message with Tanner thinking he was following. A few days passed with the day of the match arriving. Ruby and Y/N got into their positions with the rest of the teams going to the sidelines to watch.

Tanner: Dibs.

Weiss tired to take Tanner's spot and in his response fires an arrow near her hand.

Tanner: Don't disrespect the dibs rule.

Silver: The rule of dibs is a time honored tradition.

Yang: I mean he does have a point Weiss.

Weiss: He almost shot my hand off!

Silver: Key word. Almost.

By now you were fighting Ruby but the way the match went out it seemed like she was more interested in getting out energy. This presented the problem in that with Ruby's semblance Y/N couldn't get a hit.

Blake: Who do you think will win?

Yang: Ruby.

Weiss: Yeah, I won't answer that.

Tanner: Y/N.

Silver: Narrow win by either side.

Tanner: We are suppose to be supporting our team no matter if they are loosing.

Silver: It's not looking good. Ruby is just playing.

Silver was right as in that moment Ruby sped by past you.

Ruby: C'mon Y/N, you have to be faster than that. (speeds by Y/N)

Y/N: Well if you took the match seriously.

Ruby took that as a personal challenge as she up the antics. Going faster she began to do a few taunts.

Ruby: On your right. No, your left now. Tag you're it.

Getting frustrated Y/N pit Ozpin's cane away and got out Old Reliable and started firing it in whatever direction Ruby might be in.

Y/N: (thoughts) Okay, okay. This isn't going to work. Unless I use her semblance against her.

At that moment Y/N freezes the floor causing Ruby to slip. There was one problem in Y/N's plan. He didn't know that Ruby was speeding towards him.

Ruby: (tripping) I'm going too fast!

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