ch 6 stands vs quirk

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Morning came around and an alarm went off but was immediate turned off. (Y/N) got up and did his morning routine which consisted of freshening up, taking the virus capsules off his stand and placing them in the box. They seemed to disappear after a day so the box was empty as of right now, like how they reappeared on it's fist. He then got dressed and went to wake Kyoka up then made some breakfast

The day went on the same as always but Kyoka had seemed a bit different. She moved her hair behind her ear and gave a glance towards (Y/N) who was still eating. She sighed and tried another approach to attract her brother. She unbuttoned her shirt and exposed a bit of her bra

Kyoka: "hey it's kinda hot today don't you think" she pulled on her shirt to expose a bit more cleavage.

(Y/N): "you really think so? Seems fine to me" Kyoka just groaned and button up her shirt. (Y/N) finished eating and and looked at the time "you should finish up quickly, school starts in about 15 minutes" she looked at the time and quickly finish her food

(King crimson brought to you by chibbi Kyoka trying to seduce her brother)

The whole class of 1-A was...... surprised. Mainly because they still had to take normal classes like English. English was being taught by Present Mic who was speaking normally..... which is wierd. Then there was the cafeteria where they could buy gourmet meals for reasonable prices made by the cook hero Lunch Rush. Then finally in the afternoon they have Hero Basic Training

???: "I am.... COMING THROUGH THE DOOR LIKE A NORMAL PERSON" he yelled as he came through the door like a hero. The man yelling was none other than the number 1 hero All Might

The whole class stared at the hero in awe. They couldn't believe the rumors of All Might teaching there was true but now they fully believed them. All Might dramatically marched to the front of the classroom while the class remained mesmerized

All Might: "I teach Hero Basic Training. It's a subject where you train in different ways to learn the basics of being a hero. You'll take the most units of this subject. Let's get right into it. Today's subject.... combat training" he dramatically pulled out a card with the word 'BATTLE' written on it

(Y/N): "Combat..."

Jolyne/Kyoka: "Training" they both look at each other awkwardly as they finished (Y/N)'s sentence

All Might: "And to go with that there are these!" He pointed to the wall where briefcases came out of the wall with numbers from 1-22. "Costumes made based on your quirk registrations and requests you sent in before school started" the class squealed in excitement except for Bakugo. "After you change gather in ground Beta!"

1-A: "yes sir"

(King crimson brought to you by chibbi (Y/N) wondering why his hero costume has so many holes in it)

The class changed into their hero costumes while All Might waited at Ground Beta. Soon all of Class 1-A came walking through the corridor with their hero costumes on and confident looks on their faces

All Might: "They say the clothes make the man, young men and ladies. Be aware from now on you are heroes!" They looked at their hero costumes and some of them even struck poses

(Y/N) was somewhat uncomfortable, mainly due to how revealing his hero costume was. He then saw Jolyne walking up to him and checked her hero costumes out. She had pants, shin-high boots and a halter top that exposes her midriff, with 2 lengths of cloth on each side attaching it to her pants in a manner similar to suspenders. She wears a small piece on her chest repeating the design of her tattoo.

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